"Various types of dog fur exist, from super short to so long the fur touches the ground. One thing all dogs have in common, however, is a patch of fur along their backs that has a different texture and appearance than the rest of the coat. That section of fur might seem insignificant, but it serves a greater purpose."
"All dogs have hackles along the base of their spines, which usually presents as fur that is coarser and denser than the rest of their coats. Depending on the breed of dog, hackles generally have a wrinkled or zigzag appearance and run from a dog’s neck or shoulder blades down to the base of his tail. Dogs can use their hackles to communicate their feelings or to appear taller in a threatening situation."

"You may occasionally see your dog raise his hackles. The section of your dog’s coat that normally has a wrinkled appearance will stand on end, or puff up. This is called piloerection, which is an involuntary physical response your dog will have to particularly frightening, exciting or stressful situations. Similar to how humans get goose bumps when they’re quite frightened or nervous, piloerection is a physical response to a surge of adrenaline caused by a variety of situations or stimulants."
Interesting, huh? The strange thing is that with Katie, there doesn't seem to be anything different going on when the zig-zags are prominent. She even has them inside The Palms when it's just Katie and me, doing normal day-to-day stuff.
The link in the third paragraph is the best explanation that I could find with a quick search on-line and they have more information if you're interested. The site is The Daily Puppy.
BTW, Katie went to Sierra Veterinary Services again on Tuesday to have her teeth cleaned. She had some gingivitis on the gum over her left canine and she needed her teeth cleaned to make sure it didn't become infected. I was really worried about her; I've never had a dog with gingivitis before and was afraid she might lose some teeth, but when I picked her up, they said her teeth are great, very solid. And now they are bright, shiny white again. That was a relief! So that is done and already her gum looks better. I don't know if gingivitis goes away or not without meds, but she seems improved without any Rx.

We're at South Monticello Campground right now. The campground road is so level and smooth, I can easily push Katie in her stroller. The last two days we've walked 3+ miles each day. That's also a sign that temps are coming down - when we were here in the middle of the summer it was WAY too hot to walk much. This time the weather has been perfect, but last night and today are VERY windy.
BTW, at Katie's first vet appointment on September 23rd she weighed in at 16.0 pounds (Ouch! Overweight pup!). When she went in for her teeth cleaning 20 days later, she had lost 4 ounces. That might not sound like much, but she's now 15.6 pounds and losing more every day. Since she's feeling better and can walk more, she's getting a bit more exercise. Also going back to the Royal Canin Chihuahua food is helping. She should probably weigh 12 or 13 pounds, and hopefully we can get there. The weight loss will also help her back legs.
From me and Katie, have a great Friday, everyone! :)