Monday, April 13, 2015

More family visit photos, back in Hot Springs - Part 2. And scarey visitors and a move

I took hundreds of photos during my trip - it was hard to whittle them down.  Here are a few more.

Actually, Trish took this first one of a very tired Graydin.  Those iPhones really take nice photos. He didn't have the energy to walk up the stairs for a nap:

 Is this cute, or what???

 Trish's selfie of all of us around the table after Easter Dinner - Grammy is looking a little tired, LOL

Granddaughter Kennedy at soccer practice.  She was just accepted on a competitive traveling team.  I love these photos of her.  She's competitive, smart, sweet, and beautiful - an all around a great kid.  She just turned 12 in January, and is doing so well for a girl her age.  Kennedy is the one with the Origami Owl jewelry business.  It's still going strong.  Middle School next year!  :)

Tom bar-b-qued a wonderful beef loin for us one night.  Here is everyone around the table:

You can see how well the boys get along in these two pictures. 

Trish was trying to get a good selfie of herself and Tom.  He made some faces and the photos were pretty funny.  Here's Trish showing Tom:

 I won't post the funny photos here, Tom.  You're welcome. ;)

When we left San Diego, we spent the first night at Viejas Casino in Alpine, then drove on to Hot Springs LTVA near Holtville, CA the next day. We are allowed three nights per calendar month at Viejas Casino.  I took one night coming back to Hot Springs, will stay again on my way back to San Diego for my doctor appointment, and then the third night heading east on my way to New Mexico.  Worked out well!

The Scary Part

I had a great spot, of course, when I first got here to Hot Springs.  I was right up front on a paved pad near the vacant camp host's spot.  This is at sunset:

Look how empty it is:

Most of these areas were full of RV's; some had already left when I arrived on 3/9, and more left around the time I started toward San Diego on March 24th.  I thought some non-Canadians would still be here, but only two remain.  These shots don't show all the bushes.  There aren't many trees, but there are a lot of bushes, some short, some tall, some very full, and lots of greenery. 

Here we are to the right of the entrance: 

The entrance to the camping area - this is the camp host's site on the left:

To the left of the entrance and down the road:

I had my pick of the sites.  Nice!  It was quiet, the weather is great, I was a happy camper. I could see one Class A parked down the main road a bit, but that's all I could see.  Another car drove in and out a few times, so I guessed there was another person here, too.

Then after a day or so, in this empty campground, a red car, driven by a single man, parked two sites behind me.  I took these photos out the kitchen window.  He opened his driver's door and trunk and just stood there, looking around, playing with his long dark hair. 

He sat in his car with the door open for a while, then stood outside again for a long time. I was pretty nervous, and closed everything up, just open enough to peek outside through the bottom of my lace hemmed curtains.  As it got dark and with him still there, I brought everything outside into The Palms for a quick get-away, if needed.  I knew there was was at least one RV down the road from me.  I could see it, but it wasn't that close.

In the morning, the red car was gone.  As my neighbor, Sonny said, sometimes men feel better parking near another camper, too, not just women, and maybe that's all that was going on.  He might have been more comfortable being near someone. But I didn't want to take any chances.

Then yesterday I decided to walk down the road a bit to see who else is here.  I found the man in the Class A outside  his rig and stopped to talk to him.  He said it was only him, Sonny, another man, Roy over in another area, and me.

I told him about the red car making me nervous, and he kept looking past me, then said, are you expecting company?  I said no, and he said there's someone walking around your rig.  I turned around and saw a black car parked next to The Palms. 

I didn't recognize the car.  I started running down the road, pushing the stroller.  I stopped at one point and took photos of a nice looking black man and his car - a nice looking black BMW.  He walked up to my door and looked like he was knocking or trying the handle.  I stopped again, and screamed at him - over and over - "Get AWAY from my rig!" until he walked away from the door and toward me.  Then I started running again toward The Palms.

He started walking toward me, smiling.  When I had almost reached him, I said, in a serious loud voice, "What's going on?"  He smiled and kept walking toward me and said Hi.  Very friendly.  I said, "What do you want?"  very low voice, fast and serious.  Then he tells me he just came from Blythe and left his wallet there and needs money for gas.  I said, "I have nothing to give you.  Get your car away from my rig, and out of my campsite.  Right now."  He said, "Okay - no problem."  Something like that.  I said, "Don't EVER park that close to someone's motor home.  That's a really bad idea, and really rude.  Get it out of my site, now!"  He turned around, walked back.

He got into his car and left.  Whew. What a nerve!  I got a good photo of the license plate on the back, just in case, as he was driving away. 

You know, this is a fee-only campsite.  Anyone coming in here should have a season pass or have paid for a site.  It's not like a Home Depot or Wal-Mart parking lot where people are walking around begging for money.  (Never food, always money.)  We're also eight miles from Holtville, the nearest small town, so there is NO reason for anyone to be here asking for money. 

So then we walked back to Sonny's rig and told him what happened.  He said while we had been talking he saw the guy drive in, park next to my rig, knock on the door, then walk around the rig.  When I was running toward him, he had his hand up to the door again.  Knocking?  Checking to see if it was unlocked?

Sonny said while I was running toward The Palms he got on his golf cart and started down the road, so the man would see him.  He stopped and waited a little ways away until the car was out of the campground.  He said he didn't mind at all if I moved closer to him, so I decided to bring The Palms up to his area, and parked across the road from him, behind a bush, but still visible.  No more lone men in cars near my rig.

Maybe these two episodes were nothing more than what happened, no ulterior motives on their part. But when something happens like this, and it doesn't feel right, better to listen to our instincts and take precautions.  If Sonny hadn't been here, and been so helpful, I would have left the campground.

(That's one reason I like having a small motor home and no toad.  I don't put much outside.  If I had to leave anything I have outside, it wouldn't be much of a loss, usually just chairs.  But I don't want to lose Katie's stroller, so I always bring it inside at the first sign of anything I don't feel comfortable with.) 

We'll leave on Tuesday (tomorrow) and head back to San Diego, I have three nights planned along the way to overnight at free stops.

Next post will begin the RV Mod information.  YAAAAY!  I can't wait for you to see it.

It's been a while since I've welcomed new Followers, and today's the day!  We have four new followers, all women - and none of them has any personal information shown.  Ladies, if any of you have blogs, please let me know in a comment and I'll post it so we can all check out your blog, okay?

Linda Chapman
Karen S
Terrie Pressman  NOTE:  I just found her blog - Ponder in the Blue Yonder - that was started on April 5.  :)
Deb Dean   (One of my best friends in high school in San Mateo, CA, was Debbie Dean. Deb, let me know if that's you.  Wouldn't it be cool to re-connect?) 

Thanks to you all for following along with me and Katie - we are very happy to have you on board!

From me and Katie, have a great Monday, everyone!   :)

Sunday, April 12, 2015

San Diego visit, now back in Hot Springs for brief stay - Part 1

Katie and I drove to San Diego for my annual medical, vision and dental appointments.  All the appointments were done in two days, except for my annual physical.

After my dental appointment on Tuesday morning, we headed for my son, Tom and DIL, Trish's house in Carlsbad to visit with them and their kids, Kennedy, Gavin and Graydin.  Then on Friday, my daughter, Kristy and SIL, Matt arrived with their kids, Drew and Lauren.  We had a full house, with lots of good food, five grand kids going a mile a minute, and Katie and the resident dog, Jagger, getting along great.  It was a really nice visit.  Katie loved it so much, she didn't want to go back to The Palms when I put her on a leash to walk over and get something.  No way was she leaving all the fun.  She sure has changed since our first year on the road.  :)

I parked across the street from Tom and Trish's house, like I did last year.  They are on a curve, so I can't park in front of their house, but the neighbor across the street is on a corner, so parking along the fenced side of his house is my best place.  Level and not in anyone's way.  Below Kristy, Matt and Lauren were walking toward The Palms so I could show them something new inside.  :)  That's "mean neighbor's" house on the corner.

Unfortunately this guy is a real pain, and reported me to the HOA the first day I was there.  By law I can park for 72 hours, so he was jumping the gun a little.  :(  >(@%#!   Tom received a letter from the HOA and he called them and explained I was there for a week for an Easter visit, and the HOA was fine with that, but this neighbor complained about a friend who was visiting, too, twice!  Geez, Mister Meanie, get a life!  Tom just rented a business property that has a fenced yard with lights and cameras and from now on I'll stay there, and he'll lend me a truck to drive. That will make it a lot easier.

Tuesday night Trish and the kids went to their religious Meeting and I got a good picture of them all dressed up and ready to go.

Kennedy, Gavin, Graydin and Trish

While they were at their Meeting, Tom and I went out to dinner.  There are so many great restaurants in San Diego.  He's eating gluten free and organic foods, no dairy, as much as possible, and it's amazing the restaurants that serve great, tasty meals that fit his eating plan. 

Saturday night we all went to a sushi restaurant, where I had real sushi for the first time.  I love fish and Tom wasn't surprised that I liked sushi.  He ordered many plates of different kinds, but when the last two kinds came out, I was so full I didn't try them.  I was warned ahead of time not to eat all the rice - it really fills you up, so I didn't - but I was still full early on.  I especially liked the Ahi Tuna.  The Salmon was my second favorite.  The whole meal was quite an experience and what a treat!

I wanted to take some photos of what I ate, and my granddaughter, Kennedy, took over and arranged my plate for me for the "photo shoot."  Good job, Kennedy!

I think this is a salmon piece.  Please don't notice the "kids helper" at the end of my chopsticks.  ; )

This is one of the plates that came out:

Everything is arranged so beautifully.

Saturday before Easter we drove to Old Town San Diego and took the Trolley Tour.  It was the third time for me.  We only got off the trolley once, at Seaport Village, for lunch at the Cheesecake Factory - which was great.  If you take the Old Town Trolley and get off at the different stops, it takes a whole day.  A great deal and wonderful way to see the whole city without having to drive yourself.

Trish took this selfie of us on the trolley:

I love this photo of me - no wrinkles!  I think Trish has a special app that does this.  Thanks, Trish. :)

We also toured the old San Diego Police Headquarters and Jail which is behind the restaurant.  The whole Police Station area has been redone into a shopping center, but they left part of the jail area.

 The BAD GUYS:  Dopey, Meanie, Shifty, Grammy and Smiley

Easter was such a nice day - The Easter Bunny came, then Tom cooked us all Eggs Benedict.  It's our family breakfast for any holiday, and they were perfect!

 Tom and Matt

 Trish, Tom and Matt

 Kristy eating Easter Eggs Benedict

 My breakfast - Eggs Benedict and a few raspberries.  I didn't take much fruit, but I ate every bite!

The kids had an Easter egg hunt, and then we had a honey-baked ham with all the trimmings.  Matt's sister and husband and two kids joined us - Erin, Steve, Molly and Owen - so there were seven cousins.  They all get along great and had a good time together.

 Get ready...

 Get set....


 Tom and Trish have a great yard for hiding and finding Easter Eggs

Everyone got a good share of the eggs, filled with candy and some with money.  Kristy and Drew looking for lost eggs.

After the egg hunt, we all just hung out, eating and drinking and visiting.  The kids were busy doing their own things.  At one point, Lauren and her cousin Molly decided they were going to play dress up.  I think they were playing "Models" or something like that.  :)  Kennedy decided she was going to help them out with some of her old clothes and then do their make-up.  Here they are in one of the outfits:

 Beautiful girls Molly and Lauren.  Notice Molly's blue lipstick?  At first they had each other's outfits on, then switched.  This was a better fit.  

 Molly, Kennedy and Lauren - I think the adults enjoyed the fashion show as much as the girls did.

We had Easter Dinner later than planned.   Originally it was going to be 3:00, but we had so much going on and so many Hors d' oeuvres, we ended up eating around 4:30 or 5.  We had a Honey Baked ham, mashed potatoes, peas, asparagus, and green salad, and for desert, two cakes and three kinds of Bundt cupcakes.  Wow, it was all delicious!  I love a traditional Easter Dinner!

On Monday, Matt was flying home to northern California.  He had to get back for work and everyone else but me and Tom went to San Diego to take Matt to the airport and then do some sightseeing.  Tom and I stayed home to finish up working on a project.  More about that later.

Tuesday everyone but Tom went out for breakfast.  Tom worked that morning and after breakfast Trish and Kristy surprised the kids with a trip to Disneyland, where they were meeting up with Erin, Molly and Owen. Kristy and the kids were spending the night with Erin and her family, then heading back home from there early Wednesday morning.  This is a photo from Trish's FB page:

 The seven cousins at Disneyland

I went back to the house after breakfast to meet up with Tom, finished up a few things, and then I left for Viejas Casino in Alpine for a night and then on to Hot Springs for a week.  Tom headed up to Disneyland to meet up with the rest of the family.

The medical stuff went "almost" well.  My teeth are great, cleaned and good for another year.  My eyes are good, I got my once-every-two-years pair of new glasses.  Had blood tests done, everything there was good, except my cholesterol is high.  I go through this every year and try to lower it with diet and exercise.  It's always worked before, but last year I wasn't careful with what I ate. 

I'm lucky that Tom and Kennedy have been on their new eating plan because it's probably exactly what I should have been doing.  Trish has been eating Gluten Free whenever possible, and since Tom and Kennedy are on a good eating plan now, I got a lot of good information from them to start me off, threw away all the "bad for me" foods, and am keeping a food diary.  I still have some shopping to do, but so far I'm doing fine and lost 1/2 pound the first few days.  I'm taking things slow, but so far so good.  I'll discuss this with my new doctor on Friday and see what he has to suggest.  I don't want to take cholesterol lowering meds unless I have to.  If he says I have to, I will, but I'll still do the good eating so next year I can be taken off, I hope.  We'll see....

I have a new doctor because my Primary Physician cancelled my annual physical twice, and when they called the second time to reschedule again, I told them I was changing doctors. I've been thinking about changing for a while and now was the time.  I was able to get an initial appointment with a new doctor for next Friday.  Since I had some time to kill and RV parking in San Diego is so difficult for dry camping or super expensive for RV parks, I drove back to Hot Springs.

Wow!  The weather is great and there's no one here.  Just me, a man in a Class A, and another man in his RV.  This campground looks SO DIFFERENT with all the people gone.  My season pass is up on the 15th, but I'll be leaving to head back to San Diego on the 13th. 

More family photos next time.  Are you excited about that?  I am!  Also, I was scared enough to actually move sites at Hot Springs - also next time.  Let me tell you, I wasn't excited about that!

From me and Katie, have a great Sunday, everyone!  :)

PS - Major RV mod coming up!  Stay tuned...

Friday, March 27, 2015

Good-bye HOT Springs

Here's Katie the other morning trying to decide if she's ready to get up yet:

The other night I started her sleeping on the couch at night - it's too hot to have her sleeping up in the bunk with me and more than warm enough for her to sleep down on the couch.  The first morning I heard her making little noises, tiny, quiet noises, and I figured she wanted me to get up.  I looked down at the couch and she wasn't there, I scanned our little house, and she wasn't to be seen.  Finally I looked straight down, and there she was, wagging her tail, sitting on the top of the dinette seat back.  Looking at me and waiting.  She's so polite.  :)

Yes, it's been hot inside The Palms.  We seem to have acclimated to the heat quickly this year, though.  Between some cloudy days, some breezy days, and the little rain we had, it really wasn't too bad once I got the hang of it again - when to turn on fans, open windows, when to keep everything closed up, when to bring out the neck wraps from the fridge.  And now it's done, and we've moved on.

Hot Springs is a nice campground, an LTVA which is free if you purchase the $180 season pass.  I always do, because it gives me different places to spend some time during the winter, and then when I'm heading to San Diego in the spring, I have LTVAs along the way.  

I met some really nice people this time around.  The only people I've met before at Hot Springs were Peter and Bea, and they have always been friendly and nice neighbors.  This year I met two more couples, both with little Deer Chihuahuas - half the size of Katie.  Katie loved their dogs and actually chased and played with them a little.  

This area has some really pretty sights, such as the palm trees and the hot springs and pool inside the palms.  There are areas with lots of trees and bushes, too, and if you get there early enough (or late enough) in the season, you can nab a nice site.  

There are also things that aren't so pretty, and that's why I usually don't get a lot of photos here.  Every sunset photo is jammed with wires - there are LOTS of above-ground electrical wires everywhere you look.   And not far away is a power plant of some kind.  It emits a humming noise - it doesn't bother me, but might be a problem for people who are more noise sensitive.  We are also right next to the I-8 freeway, so the traffic and big rig noises all day and most of the night are very evident if you're camped near the front of the park, especially on hot nights when you want the windows open.  For the campers further back, the traffic is probably not an issue. I've always parked about halfway back and I don't remember hearing traffic before.  I do like the campsites in the front, though.  I have to walk to the dumpsters every day, so I'd rather be a little closer.

I like Hot Springs and visit every year on the way to San Diego, and usually on the way back to New Mexico.  This year I'm going to be so late it will probably be too hot to stay more than an overnight on the way back. We'll see.  My season pass isn't up until April 15.  There are RVers, mostly Canadians, who spend the whole winter here, and have for years and years.  

But just to let you know if you haven't been here, it's not perfect.  Most places aren't.  I don't know about other bloggers, but I usually don't post photos showing the unattractive things, unless I'm making a point.  Usually I pick the most favorable shots in an area, or of our campsite.  Of course!

From Wikapedia:  "CalEnergy currently runs a geothermal plant that generates enough power for 300,000 homes and could tap into more for up to 2.5 million homes."

We left Hot Springs on Wednesday and drove to El Centro to get gas and do a little shopping at Costco, then over to Wal-Mart where I finished our shopping and we spent the night in their parking lot.  They are very RV friendly at the El Centro Wal-Mart.  

Thursday morning we left El Centro - good bye to another winter season - and drove to Alpine to spend three nights at the Viejas Casino.  As you've probably read in other blogs, they allow a maximum stay of three nights.  There is a large parking lot, but the fenced in area on the north side of the lot is for RVs.  We'll stay here until Sunday morning, then drive into San Diego which is an hour drive to where I need to be.  I'm staying at Home Depots the first two nights in San Diego to be near early morning medical/dental appointments, then I'll head over to my son and d-i-l's house.  

Here are photos from Viegas' RV area - I'm in the RV lot and the other RVs are in the employee parking lot.  The signage isn't clear, and I started in that lot, then moved over when the guard told me were the RV lot was.  He told us all we could stay where we were, it wouldn't be a problem, but I wanted to move.  The only thing is this is where the buses and big rigs stay, too, and some of them keep their diesel engines running for a while during the day.  It was quiet all night, though.  Anyway, it's free, it's green and piney, and I'm happy to be here.  

The Palms and the buses in the RV lot:

The other four RVs (in the employee parking lot):

You can see we are right across the road from the other RVs.  It's actually the same lot, just fenced in for the RV area:
Katie is doing fine - thanks for your questions about her ankle.  She enjoys a short walk in the morning and pesters me around 5:30 for a walk with the stroller, so she's still getting out and loves our stroller walks.  I'm so glad I got that stroller last year!  

I've heard back from Discount Tire/America's Tire.  I received an e-mail thanking me for my feedback, said he said they were forwarding my concerns to the store manager and also to the Regional Executive Staff for their review.  He wrote that they will be in contact with me.  I'll let you know what happens. 

From me and Katie, have a great day, everybody!  :)

Monday, March 23, 2015

My Discount Tire/America's Tire Feedback Form comment

After reading the comments received so far this morning on yesterday's post, I left a comment on the Feedback Form on Discount Tire's website.  Thank you to Dave for providing me the link. This also explains how I ended up with the wrong tires.  Yesterday's post was really rambling, not my usual style.  This is what I wrote to them:

I had a very unfortunate experience in one of your El Centro, CA stores (it's at 899 Danenberg Drive), and a VERY GOOD experience in the other El Centro store (at 2010 N. Imperial Ave).

I have an RV blog and wrote a post about the three days it took to resolve everything.  If interested, you can read about it here:

There needs to be a training class for your employees regarding tire stem-valve extensions for dual rear tires.  Whether your company approves of their use or not, some of your customers are going to have them, and want to keep them.  If your techs aren't trained in their removal and how to re-install them, or if you don't want to deal with valve-stem extensions, then you should refuse to serve those people.

Some of your stores also need a seminar on how to treat women and especially older women. We are not children.  We are not senile. We have brains and can make decisions.

I purchased 4 new tires and wasn't asked once what I kind wanted. I had phoned the prior afternoon and was told they only had four tires that would fit my rims - I assumed those were the tires I was being sold.  They were rated BEST, and that's what I wanted.  I ended up with BETTER tires, less expensive, but not what I agreed to on the phone. When I told them my name at the store and that I had called the previous afternoon about four new motor home tires, I assumed a record was kept of the phone call. Apparently there was not. If my salesman was unaware of the previous afternoon's phone call, how could he sell me tires without a conversation about what I was looking for in a tire?  He went outside and checked my existing tire, went back into the office and called Michelin for a warranty discount. I was never told the tire price, just that they gave me a 40 percent discount.

When I asked to see what he wrote on the order, I was given a very brief glance at the tire write-up with my discount for a warranty issue, basically shown what I was SAVING. He quickly pointed to a couple of spots on the paper, which was not right in front of me.  I still thought I was trading up for the Michelin LTX MS2 tires in stock for $182 each, less the warranty discount, that was discussed in the previous afternoon's phone conversation. He pointed out total price of the tires with your store insurance, and without the store insurance.  Then he hustled outside into the shop with the order. 

There is something wrong with that - and I'm not blameless, for sure. As I wrote in my blog post, there are a number of things I should have done, and didn't.

This first shop where I bought the tires - the employees were not overtly rude, they just ran over me and gave me no options. I was treated like a child, or an old lady with no sense. And my technician was young and seemed inexperienced. I have no issue with him, except he needs more training - and that's not his fault, but the fault of the management. He was very polite, just didn't know enough about my set-up to correctly help me.

On the other hand, the second America's Tire on Imperial Ave in El Centro that I visited the next day, Friday, and the following Monday, did EVERYTHING right.  I can't say enough about them.  They deserve an award for outstanding customer service.  Sam, the Manager, obviously trains his staff well, and shows them by example how to provide excellent customer service.

Service, either good or bad, comes from the top. Kudos to Sam!

I hope you take this comment seriously.  I know Discount Tire/America's Tire is the "go-to" company for many, many RVers, and I'm hoping that Sam and his crew at the Imperial Ave. store are still representative of the mission of your company.

NOTE:  As I hit "Submit,"  I received the following message - I'll let you know if I receive a response.  :)

Your eMail has been Submitted

Thank you for taking the time to contact us. We generally respond to emails within 1-2 business days.

Sunday, March 22, 2015

Little Katie and Good/Bad Tire Shops

First....   Katie photos.  

I looked at her the other day and she glanced over at me.  She had the tip of her tongue out.  So cute!  I got the camera and took a shot, then a close-up. 

She looked away, but guess what, Katie?  I can still see you - and I took another:

Second...   The new rear tires episode 

The BAD service

This was long and very boring post, but I decided I didn't want to document it all, so I've trimmed it quite a bit. And it's still very long... and probably very boring.  I have saved my original to a Word doc, though, so next time I buy new tires (or any large purchase) I can read it and not let this happen again. 
First, and this store is not recommended, I called Discount Tire/America's Tire in El Centro last Wednesday afternoon.  There are two stores there, and I picked the wrong one for my purchase.  It's at 899 Danenberg Drive.  Go there at your own risk.  (The GOOD ONE will be discussed in a minute.)  

From start to finish it was a bad experience.  I didn't get the tires I thought I was buying (my bad for not double checking), I was treated like I didn't know anything, lectured to about my valve-stem extenders by my tech, his boss and the manager of the store.  The tech broke one of the extensions when he was taking them off - I don't think he knew what they were - and the new tires were put on without re-installing the extensions, without asking me.  I told them: 1.  How do I check the psi on the tires if I don't have valve-stem extensions, and 2.  I have a TPMS and need extensions to attach them to.   So they agreed to put them back on, but they weren't happy about it.  Luckily I have extras in The Palms to replace the broken one.  They had to remove the new tires to re-install the extensions.

When I was following my salesman out to the rig to show me where to park it, he sold me their tire insurance.  At first I said no, but he talked me into it.  While I was waiting I changed my mind and when I went in to pay after the tires were done, I told the store manager I didn't want the insurance.  

He was not happy.  He said that would be a problem. The invoice was already prepared and the approvals with the discount were done.  The people back east at Michelin, who approved the discount, were gone for the day.  I stood there and said nothing.  Finally he said to take a seat, this might take a while.  

It did take a while.  After everything was rung up and paid for, he put my receipt in an envelope and gave to to me.  Apparently, I found out later, they are supposed to also include a warranty card that has the tire information, and info I'd need to register my tires on-line in case of a recall.  I didn't get one of those.   

As a side note, the reason I first purchased valve-stem extensions is because the Discount Tire in San Diego recommended that I get them.  Same company.  Weird.  I'd go there when I was in San Diego to have my tires checked and they always had to remove the outside rear tires to check the pressure on the inner tires.  He said when I got them, come back and he'd install them for me.  Since then it's been easy to check the psi on all the tires.
I had such horrible service, they rushed me, talked down to me, I was really given the bum's rush.  The office guy helping me did get me 40 percent off new tires through the warranty on the old tires, though, but that's about the only positive, and it's because the old tire sidewalls had ozone damage. 

I'm leaving out a lot of details, but much of this mess was my fault, maybe all of it because I let it happen.

I should have said, "Slow down.  Quit walking away from me.  Speak slowly so I can understand what you're saying. I have some questions.  Are you getting the discount on the tire we talked about on the phone?  What is the warranty?  How much is the cost of each tire?  What date was it manufactured?  I want an experienced employee working on my motor home.  Stop telling me the company policy on valve-stem extensions - I have them - deal with it or I'll go elsewhere."  I was so rushed by them I never did any of that.  And this is a BIG, important purchase!  I can only say, "Please, God, let me do this better next time."  I am as mad at myself as I am at them.  

BYW, the tires I got were cheaper than the ones I thought I was getting, so all in all it was less money. But I wanted the BEST tires, not the BETTER ones.  Honestly, I wish I could do the day over.

The GOOD service:

After I got back to the campsite and tried to re-do the sensors, one of the rear ones didn't work.  It showed 0 psi.  I also wanted to check the date code, but it was facing in on both rear-outer tires, so I couldn't get it.

The next day, Friday, I went back to town and stopped at the other Discount Tire.  This one is across the street from Costco at 2010 N. Imperial Ave., El Centro, CA 92243.  760-353-5519.  If you ever need a Discount Tire in El Centro go to this one.  

I wanted to get the date code and I needed the valve stem checked.  

Sam is the Manager at the Imperial Ave store, and he was very polite and concerned that when I left his store, I was satisfied and comfortable with the new tires.  Since I didn't buy the tires at his store, he didn't get paid for the time they spent working with me, but I was treated like a valued customer.

He had one of his techs, Temo, check everything out.  Temo was familiar with dual tire valve-stem extensions, looked at the tires, checked the psi and made some adjustments, and I told them I wanted to see the date code.  It's August 2014 - seven months since the date of manufacture.  Because of the date code and the fact that they were dirty and scuffed and I told Temo I didn't believe these were new tires.  I said I thought the other store sold me used tires. (At this point if Katie was missing I would have thought they took her.)

Sam came over and I said the people at the other store rushed around so much and talked so fast, I hardly knew what was going on.  I didn't even get the tires I thought I was getting.  He offered to call over and see if my old tires were still there, and I could go back and have them put back on, and then start over.  Wow, at that point, it sounded good, but I was hot, and unhappy, and exhausted, and I didn't want the other store employees near my RV again.  

Sam and Temo took me over to a pile of new tires they just had delivered to show me what they looked like.  Most had a stripe of colored chalk or a white number written on the sidewall.  My tires didn't have any of that.  I said I thought they are used.  Then we went back to my tires and Sam showed me the little rubber thingies sticking up from the tread of the tire.  He said new tires have those for a short time, then they wear away as the tire is used.  THEN I believed him - these were not used tires, and he proved it to me.  Thank you, Sam!  (I know I'm sounding like a royal b*tch, but I SO thought I had been taken advantage of, and I was so mad at myself, I didn't believe anything good about the other store.)  

So, that issue solved, Temo said everything looked good and we got the full DOT code on one of the tires.  Not knowing I'd need them all to register my tires, that's all I got. (Of course, Temo didn't know I didn't get the registration card with all that info from the other store.)  I thanked them and left.  

I parked across the street at the Costco and checked the psi myself but I still couldn't get the rear right outer tire sensor to register.  I was still showing "0" psi.  I called Dion, the man who sold me the TPMS at the Big Tent at Quartzsite, and told him about the sensor and he had me move it around on the other tires, and it worked on those, so he said it was the tire stem on that one tire - #6, and not the sensor. 
I hated to go back to the Good America's Tire and take more of their time - this is all free, they don't charge for checking tires - but I drove back across the street.  Temo came out and I explained what was happening, and that there was something wrong with tire #6. Temo checked the pressure again.  He had to take the tire off since the stem was on the inside of the tire.   He checked it with my gauge, his gauge, and finally with just the TPMS sensor, but he wasn't getting enough air through the stem, it was hit or miss.  He said he didn't trust the stem, so he took the tire into the shop and replaced the valve stem with a new one.  When he checked it again, it worked.  (I didn't know the tire stores put the stems on new tires.  I thought they came that way.)  I went on my way again with profuse thanks.
When I got home to our site, I tried to register my new tires so I'd be notified if there were any recalls. But to register them, I needed the whole DOT code for each tire, and I didn't have that, only the one that Temo and I checked to make sure they were new tires.  I called the Michelin number and asked if I had to have all four tire DOT codes, including the date code, and she said yes. Rats! I also asked her about the age of my new tires. She said 7 months is not a problem at all, so I felt better about that, at least.
When I hung up I decided to call the original store who sold me the tires, to make an appointment on Monday to get the DOT codes.

The BAD service, again...

When I called, the manager answered the phone and I told him what I needed, and that I wanted someone experienced with RV dually tires with valve-stem extensions if they had to take off the tires to get the codes.  He said they didn't need to take the tires off, but started lecturing me about how they didn't put the extenders back on tires because they tended to leak air, etc. etc. etc.  He went on and on.  I finally interrupted him and said, "Okay that's enough!  Stop lecturing me. This is MY motor home, these are MY tires, I want to check MY OWN tire pressure.  I also NEED extensions because I have a Tire Pressure Monitoring System.  I NEED extensions and I CHOOSE to have them.  I don't want to be driving around with flat inner dualies because I don't know what the pressure is in the tires!"  He said, "I'm NOT lecturing you, but etc. etc. etc, (fingers in my ears - lalalalalalalalala).   I said, "That's enough, I'll call another tire store."  He says, "No, we'll do it."  I said, "No, I'm calling another store.  Good bye."  And I hung up. 

The GOOD service, again... 

Then I called the GOOD America's Tire and made an appointment for Monday at 10 am to have them check all four tires for their DOT numbers.  I hated to do that - they didn't get any money from the sale of these new tires, but they seemed to be doing all the work.  

This would be my third visit at their store. But I really didn't want the other store to get anywhere near my motor home.  (I have to say, I'm usually very easy to get along with, and I'll put up with stuff and still be smiling, but when someone crosses the line, I'm done.  And I was done with the first store.)

Before I got there, I stopped and got two boxes of donuts for the staff as a thank-you for all the time they've spent with me. They were so appreciative, but they deserved donuts, and more - their customer service couldn't have been better.  All the way around.  And poor Temo, he has the patience of a saint - he was working outside in the sun, with no shade available, and it was 90+ degrees outside.  He was removing tires and replacing them by hand, using hand tools, and he so pleasant throughout it all.  I don't think he was there when I was there on Monday - I hope they saved him a couple of donuts! 
Matt, the Sr. Assistant Manager, came outside with me where I was parked in their lot and got down on the ground with his flashlight and was able to read all the codes using his light, either from under the rig or through the wheel cover holes.  I had to move the rig once to get a number where he could see it, but he got it done. 
Thanks, Sam, Temo and Matt!  Your Customer Service rates an AAA+. 

I can't say enough about your store, your skills, your service and your courteous treatment.  I'm usually on top of things and in control of whatever I'm doing, but after spending time at the first store I felt like a very discombobulated senior citizen who had lost it.  When I left your store I felt like a valued customer.  Thank you!

The Warning - in case you need to smog your rig 

This is the warning I wanted to give RVers from California who need to get their rigs smogged every other year to get it registered.  Don't do it in El Centro, CA.  Not because the service was poor, it was actually very good, but because of the set-up of the only shop I could find in El Centro that was authorized to smog an RV.  I almost didn't fit, and a larger rig wouldn't fit into his only space to be smogged. 

I needed a "Star" shop - something to do with the weight of the vehicle.  Which, of course, costs more.  $80.00.  Plus 5% if you use a credit card at D & L General Auto Repair.  Yeah.  
I don't get these smog places.  They all seem to be in very OLD garages, and hard to get in to.  At least the ones I've seen are like this.  This place was big, but getting into the bay to smog the truck was SO tight, I couldn't drive straight into it. I had to go in at an angle, through the steel columns of the bay next to the one I had to be in.  Daniel, the owner, offered to drive The Palms in for me, but I said I'd do it, so helped guide me in and then back out, but I only had about 1 to 2 inches on each side, literally, going in and backing out.  Less if you count my side mirrors. And I JUST made it. Or thought I did.

Later I noticed I barely scrapped the driver's side.  On one of those huge rust-painted steel columns that hold up the roof. (Luckily I was able to remove the paint scrape later that day.)  Remember, The Palms is only 24 feet long.  I wouldn't go there again, and if your rig is longer, you definitely won't fit.  :(

But now the truck is smogged and won't need it again for two years. 

Between the heat of the day, the tight quarters at the smog place and the stress caused by the first tire place, I was SSSSOOOOOOO glad to be back in camp that afternoon. I didn't get back until around 6:00 pm, and that's when the other camper was parked so close to our site that we moved.  What a day!  And no, it wasn't still better than a day working.  Thursday and Friday might have been the two worst days I've had on the road in four years.  Unless, like childbirth, I've forgotten other ones. Oh yeah, I guess I can think of a few that were worse.  The high speed 5-hour drive from Quartzsite to San Diego for major surgery that night comes to mind.  Remember that?  LOL  Like Jeanne says, If it doesn't kill us, we have a story to tell...   or something like that.  :)

So - if you want super tire service by a stop with a manager and crew who know what they are doing and who will treat you with respect, here's where you need to go:

America's Tire
2010 N. Imperial Ave.
El Centro, CA 92243.  

And yes, I'll add both tire shops to the website about RV Service

At this point, I'm very happy with my new tires and would definitely go back to any Discount Tire/America's Tires except the one that sold me my tires.  The BAD one.

Wow, this is still WAY too long, too may words and not enough photos, but it's done.

On a more positive note, it was cooler for three or four days, it even rained a little, and last week had Social Security Wednesday!  A GOOD day!  Tons of bills to pay.  Between my RV registration, smog certificate, RV insurance, new tires, dinette cushions and Katie's vet appt, this has been a very expensive couple of months.  Thank goodness for my shoppers!  You guys really helped.  I put any money I make on this website into a special account for tires (or other emergencies).  Even though I had to get them two years early, I did get the 40% discount on the rear tires, and had enough money in the account for the tires.  So, a big thank you to you all.  :)

From me and Katie, have a great Monday, everyone! :)

And if you've made it this far, congratulations - your perseverance is commendable!