Monday, August 30, 2010

Craig's List Update

Quick post tonight.  My Craig's List sales started with a bang, but have fizzled out lately.  I did sell the dog carrier tonight - the one my dog would NOT sit down in, so that was good.
I just finished adding a few new things, and re-posted the rest.
Remember the little Smoker/Bar-b-que - the Ancient Type 2 Kamado that I showed a photo of earlier?  Well...  I was going to sell it at a reduced price to a buyer, but before I did, I again offered it to my son who had originally wanted it.   And he did decide to buy it.  He said he loves "the art of bar-b-queing" and was looking forward to trying a new type of bar-b-que.  
He's had it for a week or so, and today I asked him if he had used it yet.  He's cooked on it twice, fish and meat, and said it just might be the best meat he's ever cooked.  Whew!  I would have felt really bad if he didn't like it.  But from all the research I did, I thought he'd be happy with it.  
Off to bed, I have an early morning tomorrow.
Good night, all.