Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Small print, large print

I don't have much to post today, but I did see mention of the size of the print in some of the blogs. Apparently some people are having problems reading some blog posts. (I know mine seems pretty small, and I didn't think much about it until today. Let me know if you can't read it.)

Just in case you weren't aware, there is a way to increase the size of the print on your screen. If you hold down the Control key and press the +, every time you press + the screen size will increase.  Press Control and - , and the screen size will decrease. I've used that tip a few times, especially late at night when I'm tired and my eyes need the larger type.

Happy reading, and have a nice evening, everyone! : )

Monday, August 30, 2010

Craig's List Update

Quick post tonight.  My Craig's List sales started with a bang, but have fizzled out lately.  I did sell the dog carrier tonight - the one my dog would NOT sit down in, so that was good.
I just finished adding a few new things, and re-posted the rest.
Remember the little Smoker/Bar-b-que - the Ancient Type 2 Kamado that I showed a photo of earlier?  Well...  I was going to sell it at a reduced price to a buyer, but before I did, I again offered it to my son who had originally wanted it.   And he did decide to buy it.  He said he loves "the art of bar-b-queing" and was looking forward to trying a new type of bar-b-que.  
He's had it for a week or so, and today I asked him if he had used it yet.  He's cooked on it twice, fish and meat, and said it just might be the best meat he's ever cooked.  Whew!  I would have felt really bad if he didn't like it.  But from all the research I did, I thought he'd be happy with it.  
Off to bed, I have an early morning tomorrow.
Good night, all.

Sunday, August 29, 2010

Here's my card, keep in touch

WELCOME to my new Follower! Thank you for dropping by to read my blog, and I hope you stay to follow along until I FINALLY have an RV - and beyond. I'll try to keep it fun!

And I wanted to thank everyone who has left comments. I appreciate all of you, and the great information you're giving me.

I have a question I've been wondering about. When a reader leaves me a comment, what is the best way to respond? In my blog? In my comment section? In the commenter's blog comment area? By e-mail? Any of the above?  Do you always respond, or only when a response seems fitting? 

Here's my card - per the suggestion of Ed at Camping World. Can't wait to hand it out. I think this was such a good idea.

I wanted to make sure there was an RV on it, since my blog name and URL don't mention RVing.  I had to use a generic RV clip art since I don't know what I'm going to end up buying.  If you click on the card, you will see the RV more clearly.

I LOVE having cards to hand out.  When I had my own business, I always made myself cards.  I guess I could hand these out to anyone I wanted to keep in touch with, not just RVers.  Or to friends who want to follow my blog.

Work tomorrow - in our new digs.  My company moved over the weekend, the last of our desks and the boxes we packed up at the end were moved for us and put in place.  So, tomorrow - a beautiful new office! And it IS beautiful. 

Have a good evening, everyone! : )

Saturday, August 28, 2010

Camping World and FREE Bike Basket

I went back again to Camping World RV Sales in San Marcos, CA this morning.  The first time I visited there, I was lucky to have Ed Graves, one of the sales people, show me what they had available in a small Class C.   He has an easy sales style and is really knowledgeable.  At that time they didn’t have very many small used RVs on the lot.  They had lots of trailers, which I am not looking for, sign of the times, I guess.  More people already have trucks and are looking for a trailer to pull with them.  Today they had more for me to look at, and Ed said they plan to keep more in their inventory, so I’ll keep checking back, especially as I get closer to being able to purchase.
Ed took so much time with me that first visit.  He answered all my questions and made a lot of suggestions and comments that were so helpful.  He was great, and I’ve been back three times now.  I always ask for Ed, although everyone there is very helpful.
Today Camping World was having a “coupon promotion.” I lucked out and was there at the right time and  I got my coupon for a $50 purchase across the lot in the store.   There was a woman at the counter and we chatted a little.  She has a Class C and travels with her dog, recently to Alaska, and gave me some tips.  “Thank you, Sandy, I enjoyed talking with you!”
When she left, Ed told me I should get business  cards with an RV in the corner, and my name and blog name and pass them out to people I want to keep in touch with.  What a great idea.  I’m going to make up my own cards today to have handy.
So, I walked over to the store and this is what I got:
Basket  from Camping World.  This isn’t us – it’s from their ad online.
Remember in a previous blog I said I don’t want a toad, I hope to get a scooter or use my bicycle with a basket for Katie?  I’ve been researching baskets on line to see what was available.  I wasn’t sure it would work with Katie, she HATED the carrier I bought and am now selling on Craig’s List. 
 Still not me and Katie – This photo is from the Outward Hound Carrier ad.
We never used it because she would NOT sit down and she has long legs, and she didn’t fit very well standing up.  It was awkward.
 So I’m walking down the aisle, not sure what I could get with my coupon – since I’m getting rid of stuff in my condo, and don’t yet have an RV – and the first aisle I turn down has the bike basket!  So serendipitous.  This one is even nicer than what I’ve found on the web.  It  looked perfect and so I picked it up, then I saw this:
 Perfect!  I have an old cracked orange plastic bowl  and a small water bottle that I use for Katie when we are in the car on a hot day.  UGLY.  This is so small and cute, and it has a string to hang it up.  So I got it, too.
Together they were under the coupon amount and so I checked out without owing any money.  What a great deal for me!
When I got home I put the basket together, very easy.  I put it on the floor and put Katie in, and she sat down in it!!!  She liked it!  Then I put the rain cover over her (which I’d probably use at first to make sure she wouldn't try to jump out) and she didn’t mind that, either.   She would be tethered in the basket with a clip that is attached, so if she DID try to jump, she'd still stay in the basket.  Of course, on the living room floor and on the bike will be very different scenarios, so we’ll see what happens when I try it out on the bike.  Might take some practice.  
Now I’ve got to get my bike out of my storage area, clean it up and see if the tires are okay.  I’ll let you know how it goes.
So, thank you ED GRAVES and thank you CAMPING WORLD!   You are My RV HEROS of the Day!

Friday, August 27, 2010

Fulltimers - the luckiest people in the world!

I see I have some new Followers today - I even recognize some of you - WELCOME!  I'm so happy to have you following along with my journey.  I know people pop in and read my posts and then pop back out.  But it's nice to put a name and/or face to my readers, so THANK YOU. : )

Fulltimers:   Do you just feel like the luckiest people in the world?

I remember when I was younger and living in the San Francisco Bay Area. We would drive to Stockton, Yosemite, Big Basin, or some other place where we traveled through little towns, farm towns, country towns. As we drove by the houses I’d wonder what the people living in them were doing, what their lives were like, what did they DO all day living way out there? I thought they were SO LUCKY to be able to live in such a place.

Later when I moved to Placerville, CA and then up Highway 50 to Camino and then finally Pollock Pines, I found out. They do the same things my family did, but it was a smaller community and friendlier because you knew everyone, or knew of them. There was more freedom there, people were allowed to be who they were, even the ones who were a little different, and they were appreciated for their differences. When a group got together, whether it was at a Chamber of Commerce committee meeting, or in a local bar, you knew everyone - and liked everyone - and it was fun. Working and playing together.

When I lived there I felt very lucky, and wondered if other people driving by through town ever looked at my house and wondered who lived there.

This was my little Pollock Pines house with it’s shingled, covered front porch - right in the middle of my little cedar tree forest. Right on the snow line. I was so excited when I moved there.

I’m thinking it’s the same thing with RVers. I see rigs driving by on the freeway, or parked in a lot or on the street, and I wonder what are they DOING in there???  Where have they been, where are they going? They are so LUCKY!

I’ll bet you all do some of the same things I do, but you’re in a special, small community, and when you get together at Nick’s Gypsy Gatherings or the Escapees Escapades or other Rallys that I am reading about, you've got a community in common, RV stuff to talk about, places you’ve gone or plan to go, issues with repairs to discuss and help each other with, meals you're sharing.

You’re cooking in your kitchens, lounging in your chairs watching TV, sitting at your dinette table with your computers checking e-mail and paying bills. Just like I do now, but I think I’ll like to do those things more in an RV in the desert or in the forest, or in an RV park.

So… I wondered about the small town people and their lifestyles, and I finally got to LIVE THERE and BE a small town person myself, and I loved it, it was my favorite place to live.

Now I’m wondering about the RV people and their lifestyles, especially the lucky fulltimers and I want to LIVE THERE. And there. And there. I want to be part of that community. And I think I will LOVE it, too.