Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Strange...The Palms is not a 2006

I talked to Forest River today - I wanted to know some things about my Sunseeker, so I called and talked to Mike Burns who is in the Sunseeker Warranty Department.  I gave him my VIN # and he told me my unit is a 2007, not a 2006. I'm not sure exactly how that works, but he said they start in the spring making the units for the following year. He said mine was made in November of 2006, as a 2007 model.  Maybe that's why I can't find anything on line for a 2006 2200.

I have the registration and some information from the previous owner.  It was stuck in the envelope with all the warranty info and product instructions.  (I'm going to call him and see if I can find out the history of The Palms.)  His registration says the date is August 2006, but maybe that was when the Ford was built.  Then at the end of the year the "house" was added and it was sold as a 2007.

I haven't gotten my registration yet, I imagine that might tell me something.

I'm having a giant artichoke for dinner - dipped in Best Foods mayonnaise.  I love that mayonnaise! I'll dip almost anything in it, vegetables, sliced apples, bananas, there's so much you can do with mayonnaise.  Slather it on salmon filets and bake.  Yum.  I'm trying to limit myself now, though.  I know it isn't healthy, but with an artichoke, there's nothing else for me. : )

 I Love Artichokes!

I think I blogged about this before - when I was in high school, I'd get my allowance and walk down the hill to the grocery store, buy an artichoke, walk back up the hill, boil it and eat it hot.  It was my favorite food for years.

From Me and My Dog, Katie - have a nice Tuesday evening, everyone! : )

P.S.   The artichoke was DELICIOUS!  And now I'm going to do some sorting and packing.