Thursday, February 2, 2012

Yesterday's bird photos

Yesterday when Katie and I took our late afternoon walk, we went a bit further and closer to the lake nearest our area, and there were some pretty ducks, coots, and a beautiful egret - I think it's a Great Egret because it has black feet.  I couldn't believe I got so close and also got a clear photo when it took off over the lake.

 Great Egret - he's so graceful looking.

 Look at those beautiful feathers

Great Egret in flight.

 Wood Duck - these are the cutest looking ducks!

 Wood Duck

Male and female Northern Shovelers.
They have bills that are long and wide at the ends.

 Northern Shoveler

 We have LOTS of these Eurasian Coots

Male and female Mallards

Just bird photos today, but aren't they gorgeous?

Tom's coming this morning to bring me the Ford Escape, and I have a dentist appointment this afternoon with a new dentist - wish me luck!

From Me and Katie, have a great Thursday, everyone!  :)