Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Big wind storm!

WOW, was it windy yesterday!  I've been in windy areas before, but yesterday had the sand really blowing.  Now I understand why bloggers write about deep cleaning their rigs after they leave the desert.  Even with everything closed up, there was a fine grit on every surface, the floor, the window sills, the table and counters.


Today - this isn't the same shot, but you get the idea.



It was very interesting and exciting, I've never been in a wind/sand storm like this before.  After a while it got kind of tiresome, because I knew the grit was getting all over the inside of The Palms, Katie and I couldn't take our walks, and Katie gets a little nervous when we have lots of wind.  Poor thing was in bed by 7 pm, totally worn out. 

The sand made a pretty sunset, though.  The sky around the sun was darker than usual, kind of shadowy, and very pretty.

Sandstorm sunset

Today is "sunny and windy" according to weather app, but nothing like yesterday.  So far, anyway.  These winds I can handle, but I think we'll stay inside most of the day until things are calm again.

For you Garmin people, there's an updated Garmin map. I bought the lifetime updates, and they let me know when a new one is available, so it's doing it's downloading right now.  Takes a long time, but I guess there's a lot of information in an update of  the US and Canada.  It's version 2012.30, in case any of you have the lifetime updates and don't have that one yet.  The lifetime update purchase was a really good deal. I can access it as long as I keep my current Garmin, and you can bet I will!

Quiet day in Quartzsite for Katie and me.  :)