Friday, March 23, 2012

A trip to town - got the new converter

A big WELCOME to two new followers:

Dave's World - Hey Dave, it looks like you follow a lot of RV blogs, and have one yourself, but my info doesn't show your blog name.  If you get a chance, let me know the name of blog in my comments so I can check it out and give you a plug.  Katie and I are very happy to have you following us on our adventures!

NanaDiana - Diana has a blog, it's not an RV blog, but very sweet and interesting. Lots of decorating things, great photos, the kind of thing I loved when I had a (bigger) home to decorate. Diana posts every day, has tons of followers and gets loads of comments.  I loved reading your posts, Diana, and I'm happy you are following along with me and Katie.

Welcome aboard to you both!  :)

Yesterday a Roadrunner walked right through my campsite, mere feet from me. He stopped at my fire ring of rocks, jumped up on one, looked around and walked in front of The Palms, and continued on past us to the next campsite.  I was running around The Palms with my camera.  I don't know why I have to take photos every time I see him. Carol says it's the same bird each time, but I love taking pictures of him for some reason.  This is the closest I've seen him, and he's a pretty big bird.

Yesterday I went to town to see if my converter was in, and we were too early, so later in the morning, I called Quiet Times, and YES, it arrived.  Mike, one of the Dingbats, drove me into town again, and we picked  it up.  On the way back to camp, we stopped at my friend Roger's - the electrical engineer - site and he said he'd be over soon to put it in for me. 

He came by in a bit, and installed it, and everything is working!  So I'm good to go on the converter issue.

New Warranty Converter - 60 Amp

This morning, I packed up the failed 80 Amp converter in the same box, and Mike again drove me to town to the post office so I could mail it back to the company.  I'm hoping it will qualify for a warranty, but they have to check it first.  The man at the post office said it would arrive by Monday, so I'll e-mail the company on Monday and ask them to let me know if it's covered under their warranty.

This morning I sent an e-mail to Ron, my solar guy in Glendale, AZ, to see if he would put a ground wire on my Inverter and double check the solar system, since I had a couple of electrical issues while the large inverter was on.

After studying my system and the problems I've had, Roger wants me to get an Inverter like his.  It's a pure sine wave inverter, and the one I have is a modified sine wave.  I put that info into my e-mail to Solar Ron, and am anxiously waiting to see what he says.

What is this photo below?  This is a photo of Katie looking... guilty?

Just look at that face.  :(

I had my dinner plate on the dinette table and went outside for a few seconds to do something and when I came back, there was a clean strip on my plate.  Someone had licked the plate.  I don't think that's ever happened before.  Katie was always very trustworthy around food, but I guess she just couldn't resist my chicken casserole.  She was banished to her bed and sat there looking at me while I finished my dinner.  She looked so sad - I felt kind of bad, but...  what are you going to do?

When we had the big winds last time, I was watching all the critters eating the birdseed I put out.  The wind was howling, and these guys were determined to eat.  Look at the ruffled fir on the rabbit, and the feathers blowing out on the bird.

The next picture is one I took of different animals sharing the seeds.  This one is the rabbit sharing with the little gopher.

Speaking of gophers, I got an e-mail from Donna Weibel, Sam's wife.  She said she Googled "gopher photo," and this is what she got:

I think the little guys here with the skinny tails are gophers - cute, little gophers.  Thanks, Donna!

And now, Katie and I are going for a walk.  We hope you all have a great day!  :)