Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Help, there's a giant rock on The Palms

Just kidding.  Today I moved sites - I love to move around, and although I liked my first site, it was too exposed to the wind.  So I moved to the other side of the park, where the large boulders and the small hill will shield me if we have another windy spell.

So, this is the new site.

I liked the two small boulders caught in the middle of these two large ones.  There's a tree in the middle.  The sites all have a table and a bar-b-que and a trash can, too.

This afternoon Hazel came by to collect her chair (which I borrowed to hold this site while I went back to get The Palms and drive it over) and we drove around the campground again.  We saw a female cottontail and a smaller, thin cottontail that we thought was probably her little bunny, then we saw a Jackrabbit further down the road:

There were many birds around - usually the morning and early evenings are are the best times to see the birds.  I walked into the site and put a doggie bag in the trash can and looked up and saw:

Can you see the two Ravens on the rock?

I took a bunch of photos, and they didn't seem to mind that I was there.  At first I thought it was one huge bird, but it was two, just close together.

It looked like they were snuggling. :)

I put Katie in The palms and walked around behind the boulders to get better shots in the setting sun.

Some closer shots:

I watched them until dark. As it got cooler, they fluffed up their feathers a few times and grew rounder.  The bird on the right flew away, then came back.  Then he flew away again and the other bird waited.

I love having them in my site so close.

That's it for now.  I'd guess they'll be gone in the morning, but will be back tomorrow evening.

From me and Katie, have a great Tuesday night, everyone!  :)