Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Wordless Wednesday - Three Natural Beauties...

 ... with their new haircuts. :)

That was a great dinner.  I didn't get anything green on me, did I?  I just hate it when that happens.

Oh oh.  Something's buzzing around my ear. 

I think my underbite makes me special.

(The above are not my original photos.  I would like to thank the photographer, but I've seen them on so many sites with no credit given, I have no idea who took these great pictures.) 

Welcome to our latest follower, Marianne Edwards, whose award-winning blog, frugal-rv-travel, has been a go-to website for me since the beginning of my travels.  Check it out; you'll find a ton of links pointing to useful and interesting sites.  Marianne and her partner, Randy, have been traveling in their Roadtrek part-time since mid-2000, taking some extended adventures.  Marianne loves to write and keeps meticulous records, and out of those two loves, as well as questions from people asking how they did it on limited incomes, was born the first Frugal Shunpikers Guide.  (I have three of them, myself, and highly recommend them.)  Marianne, thanks for following along with me and Katie, we are happy to have you on board!  :)

Katie and I are happily settled in a perfect site here at El Malpais Campground just south of Grants, NM.  More next time.

This is supposed to be a "wordless" post, but anyone who knows me, knows how hard that is for moi.  Anyway, I just wanted to document that this is our 500th Post.  Wow... that's a lot of ink, as they say. :)

From me and Katie, have a great wordless Wednesday, everyone.  And I hope your haircut makes you a natural beauty, too.  :)