Monday, October 28, 2013

Today is for the Birds I

Lots of pretty birds here at Quartzsite, and some of them visit me and Katie every day.  Here are some of the photos I've gotten so far:

This is a Gila Woodpecker - male.  The males have the red colored feathers on the top of their heads.  He was able to get nectar from this feeder.

I could hear the pecking sound, but it was coming from the wrong place, he was pecking on my chair.

Below is a female - no red patch on her head:

I'm having trouble getting good hummingbird shots here.  They just swoop in, drink, and fly away, really fast.  Here's the best of what I've gotten lately. The first one is an Anna's male and the second one is a Black-chinned male.

This next bird is a small Verdin - male.  He's really interested in the feeder and keeps coming back and trying for more.  I don't think he's figured out that he's not looking at the right place.

I've gotten lots of photos of the Mourning Doves - they are very quiet, calm and submissive to the squirrels, but once in while they show signs of fighting back.  Even with each other.

Lots of cooperation at the water bowl...

 ...and usually at the seed feeder, too.  But not this time, the bird on the right is telling the other bird to Back Off.  Notice how his neck is puffed out.

Some wing flapping - I said Back Off!   And look at his neck now.

The dominant dove really gets his wings going, jumping over the other.

 Of course, when the squirrel is in the seed feeder, the doves know who's boss.

I have too many photos I want to publish - too many for one post, so I'll put the rest in my next post.

After taking my generator in for service in Albuquerque for a Level II Generator Service, I'm having more problems than ever.  Now I am having to add oil every 3 to 5 hours of use.  Used to be 8 hours.  It's smoking a little now, too, but just white, not black.  Funny thing is I'm going through oil like crazy, but there's no oil on the ground, no oil that I can see in the generator area, and the only smoke is white - once in a while.  I can't figure out where the oil is going.  My son says it's either leaking or burning.

I haven't written much about the latest generator issues, it's just too boring.  So, I have an appointment with Bob's Generator here in Quartzsite for tomorrow at 9 am.  Please send me good thoughts that Bob will be able to find the problem, fix it, and that it won't be too $$$.  I'm such a positive person, but somehow this generator has defeated me.  But I'm getting up - back in the ring tomorrow - and punching back.  I'll let you know what happens. 

The Schwann's truck just drove by slowly, honking.  I wouldn't mind purchasing some of their meals, ice cream, etc. if I could do it on a now-and-then basis.  I think you have to be on a regular purchasing schedule, though, and I don't want to do that.  I don't have enough room in my fridge/freezer for that.  I'm told their food is wonderful, though.

A big WELCOME to our newest Follower, MsBeth!  She has three blogs, but this one talks about her Van experiences - MsBeth has a new-to-her 1979 Dodge Van, Dallas Cowboy colors, thank you very much!  She's in Texas, if you didn't guess.  :)   Thanks for following along with me and Katie, MsBeth, and Welcome Aboard!  :)

It's been pretty hot here the last few days, but starting today it's cooling down a bit.  Today is really windy, though.  The first, probably of many, windy day we've had since we arrived.  With all the trees in our site, I can really hear the wind blowing, which I love.

From me and Katie, have a great Monday, everyone!  :)