Saturday, November 9, 2013

So far, so good

This morning is the second morning in the new site and so far, no critters in the engine.

The glue trap is still untouched, as is the dCon.  This was really good news this morning!  :)

Some photos from our first site:

I don't think I'm going to have as many critter visitors to this site - it's smaller and doesn't have as many trees and bushes or rocks.  A previous camper who used to camp in my first site took a lot of time and really worked on it, organizing the "living room" with rocks and walls and boundaries.  It was really pretty.   As great as it looked, and I loved it, the rocks are good cover for critters.  This site doesn't have that kind of decoration, so we probably won't be seeing a lot of squirrels here.  Unfortunately, that's a good thing.

Above are the two squirrels that were living around the old site, and this was such a cute photo, I wanted to post it. Sometimes when they would meet, they would look like they're kissing.  Obviously they aren't, but it was pretty cute.

And here are the last photos of the Gila Woodpeckers - I was able to get photos of both the male and female at the same time and here they are:

The male is the one who usually came around, and then the female started hanging around, too, watching him.  Before I knew it, she was trying to get the nectar too:

This next guy is in our new site.  Katie has a perfect view out the window from her car seat right into some rocks that were lining bushes (that are now dead and gone, but the rock ring is still there).  She saw this guy and got all excited. I always know when there is a lizard in the yard.  LOL  This guy is a small lizard - much smaller than the last one I posted.  Pretty coloring - he has some turquoise if you look close.  He seems to be aware of me watching him.

Hazel, this last photo is for you:

From me and Katie, have a great Saturday, everyone!  :)