Saturday, March 15, 2014

Final photos from Hot Springs LTVA in California

Last week we were in California on standard time and Saturday night we changed to daylight savings time. The next day we drove to Arizona and stayed there for two days - no daylight savings time there.  Thursday we landed in New Mexico - Mountain Time.  I still don't have all the clocks set, but I think all-in-all we are one hour ahead.  Thank goodness my cell phone keeps track of the time zones.  I use it to set all the others in The Palms when we change zones.

So...  here are the final photos taken while we were in the Hot Springs LTVA.

I saw these Gambel's Quail while we were walking, but I knew they were in the area.  They are such beautiful birds.

And this Hairy Woodpecker was seen on the same walk.  I think since the Canadians are here for the whole season and put out feeders, by the time Katie and I arrived, there were a lot of birds at their sites.  We had very few birds in our campsite, though.

I lightened the photo below to see his markings better.

Hey, Mom!  Throw the ball!

Katie's usual place when I'm doing laundry.  I take the bunk apart and put the down comforter on the couch in a pile and Katie is always there when I come back from the laundromat.  My old duvet, which I've had for 8 or 9 years finally bit the dust.  It came apart all across the top, right below the seam, a few months ago and I love this old duvet so I double stitched it.  Then it started ripping again right below my seams, definitely time to replace it.  While I was in San Diego, Trish and Kennedy and I went shopping and I found a super good deal on a new duvet at Home Goods, so it was washed and dried on this day and it's just as soft and comfortable as my old one.

This is the new duvet.  The old one was an off white color , and this one is grey and white, so I changed out the scarves I use to tuck under the mattress and then put down for a privacy screen at night.  This white scarf is perfect.

It replaces this one - remember?  I liked it, but it just didn't go with the new grey and white.

Katie and I walked down to the Hot Springs when we first got there and I went inside to talk to some of the people soaking.  Dogs aren't allowed so I left Katie outside the fence.  

She is still so good when I want to walk away and leave her.  When I put the leash handle down, she sits and stays.  She's very patient.

I finally got a photo of the Sea Level Elevation sign on the highway; I always notice it too late to snap a picture.  As we were driving home from the movie theater last Saturday, Tom noticed all the signs showing the elevation, which at times was more than 30 feet under sea level.
And here's our little friend, Round-tail Ground Squirrel.  One afternoon he ran to this bush, jumped up and landed on the branch.  I caught him mid-jump.

He got settled and had a meal.

And finally, our campsite with the warm, pink eastern skies at sunset before my family arrived:

Katie and I had a good time at  Hot Springs LTVA this year, especially because the kids came to visit.  While they packed up I did the same, and when they pulled out around 1 pm on Sunday, I was right behind them.  First I drove up the road to say goodbye to Bea and Peter and thank them again for their help pulling me out of the sand, and then a quick visit with Jimbo to say goodbye and check out his new floor in his Lazy Daze motor home that Peter laid down while he was here.  It looks great!  Peter has photos on his blog - click the link above to see the new floors.  :)

Then we drove out of the campground and headed east to Pilot Knob.  I've never been there and wanted to check it out.

From me and Katie, have a great Saturday, everyone!  :)