Friday, March 21, 2014

More Rockhound, NM birds - it's nesting season!

These are birds I've photographed before, but I can't resist posting the new pictures from our stay here at Rockhound State Park.

First, the Scaled Quail - aren't they beautiful?

And here's the White-winged Dove again - they are so regal:

Even their eyelids are blue:

I think the little guy below is a Chipping Sparrow.  I've only gotten one photo of this bird:

And here's a male House Finch.  I see them everywhere I go, winter and summer, north and south, Arizona and New Mexico.  They must be very adaptable to lots of weather and terrains.  He's on the roof of the shade structure right over a nest that's on the inside corner.  Lots of birds pick this corner to land, then lean over to check out the nest.  Some will go into it, but I don't think there are any eggs yet, so I don't know who has actually claimed the nest real estate for this season. 

Next is another Cactus Wren - they seem to be the birds that go into the nest most often.

And right after the photo above, the Cactus Wren fluttered down and hung upside down for a second, then moved into the nest.

Here's a photo of the Gambel's Quail in our site.  It's fun having two different types of Quail in one campsite.  They act the same and scurry around the same, but they sure look different.  I was here about a week before the quail started coming around.  Gambel's Quail have the most amazing feathers - the colors and the way they are arranged are just amazing.  Both types have very elegant top feathers.

I think this little guy is a Black-throated Sparrow:

Here's a White-crowned Sparrow - he spent quite a bit of time with these little yellow flowers, eating a lot of them:

And finally, these photos are House Sparrows - there a lots of them here:

I always try to get photos of birds at all angles, especially new birds, including closeups of their beaks and eyes, since they are such good identifiers.  

There is another nest in the opposite corner of the shade structure roof, and it's getting quite a bit of action today.  Soon there will be eggs in both nests, I'm sure, and little families getting started.  I love being in New Mexico this time of year - all these southern State Parks have such wonderful bird activity to enjoy.

Those are all the bird photos I have - so far - who knows, maybe I'll find another new bird to check off in my Field Guide as I visit the various State Parks.

A big WELCOME to our latest Follower, Nancy Kissack!  Nancy recently retired and purchased an RV and is going to travel around the country with her two dogs - Cooper, a poodle, and Jessie, a Jack Russell - and a BIRD!  Jonathan is a Parrot; that's going to be fun.  I met a couple who had a parrot and they kept his cage outside during the good weather, and he had lots of company. Everyone who walked by stopped by to talk to him.  Nancy, I've been going back reading your past posts, and I'm really enjoying them.  She is expecting a package in the mail today - a new camera - I can't wait to see the photos she takes with it.  Visit Nancy's blog Kissack Adventures.  Thanks for coming along with me and Katie - Welcome Aboard, Nancy!  :)

From me and Katie, have a great Friday, everyone!!!

PS - Kennedy had her Launch Party for her new jewelry business last night.  I WISH I could have been there, I know Kennedy was so excited!  Hopefully Trish will get some good photos and I'll post them.  I sent her an e-mail order to be included with the sales Kennedy has at the party - if any of you are thinking of ordering a locket, chain or charms, please visit their Origami Owl website or e-mail Kennedy and Trish at  If your order is included with the others from the party, your shipping will be less.    Below is one of the new charms - a hand-painted enamel vintage trailer.  I love it!  :)