Sunday, May 18, 2014

Katie photos

I have a bunch of photos of Katie and I'm just going to publish them all here.  Sometimes she is pretty funny.  

Here she is resting on the padded box I have at the end of the bench seat across from me where I store my printer.  Just dozing off...

And then the camera clicks and her eyes open...

Here's Katie snuggling her "baby" while she rests.

I had a large rawhide chew toy and she worked on it for two days. She usually stays right on her blanket when she eats treats or plays with her toys, but she was pretty excited about this big chew toy and I had to move her back onto her blanket.

Here she is playing with her ball.

Little by little it went down until it fell on the floor and she forgot about it.  Sometimes she'll toss it around by herself.

Walking along the concrete berm.

Here's Katie sleeping.  She often sleeps on her toys, this time she's got her ball with her.  That can't be very comfortable!

Her ankle is still swelling up, and on this morning I taped it up before our walk to see what happened.  It didn't really do much good.  See her right rear ankle with the tape?

Waiting for a treat after our walk. She's pretty patient - I always hang up her leash and put the camera away, etc. while she waits.  A few times I've gotten busy and forgotten her treat, but she'll stare me down until I remember.  Look at that tail wagging!

And here's Katie during our walks.  You can see how much room she has in the stroller - enough to stretch out her tail.  She usually sits while we're walking, but if I visit with someone, she'll lay down and rest.  If she bugs me, I put the top down and she'll usually turn around and face the rear of the stroller.  Trying to tell me something?  :)  

Her license plate, because of course, Katie is a Princess!  (See her swollen ankle on the right?)

Here we are in shadow as the late afternoon sun goes down. 

Katie loves her walks - whether on foot or in the stroller.  We've been walking a lot more since we have the stroller - usually we'll take a walk on foot in the morning, and by the afternoon we're using the stroller.  I keep an eye on her ankle, but she seems okay.  I'm not going to take her to the vet until her regular appointment in July, then we'll have it checked out during her annual exam.

She's a happy girl!

I wanted to thank all our readers again for purchasing through our links.  It's such a nice thing for you to do, and Katie and I really appreciate it! Whether you click through to through the search box or a link on the side bars or through The Palms Shop, it all adds up for us.  Thank you!  :) 

From me and Katie, have a great Sunday, everyone!  :)

Thursday, May 15, 2014

A little cabinetry repair and a big windstorm

I have four large lower drawers in The Palms, and they have all failed.  It's the only thing I've had a problem with in The Palms that I can think of.  The two dinette benches have long drawers under them, that's where I store miscellaneous things and electronic stuff.  They went first; I could still open and close them, but it was obvious they were off the tracks or the plastic rear mounting brackets the tracks fit into at the back were broken.

Then the large drawer under my fridge, which only holds long pants - jeans, khaki slacks, sweats, etc. came off the track.  Finally the drawer under the stove that holds my good, larger pots did the same.  They were still all opening and closing, just with a little difficulty and honestly, I don't open any of those drawers that much.  I seldom wear long pants and I have a smaller pot and pan that I store in the oven to keep them handy, and I use them for most of my cooking. 

Yesterday my jeans drawer came completely off the track and then the track came off the drawer -  so I pulled it out and couldn't put it back until it was fixed.  I put it on the couch wondering how in the world was I going to fix it.  I just didn't feel like even going there at that point.  Having that big drawer sitting on my couch, though, was taking up a lot of room and I needed to fix it soon.

This morning the pot drawer fell apart.  The bottom came completely off.  I was able to pull the side structure of the drawer out - and then got the bottom out and pulled all the pots out of the drawer opening and placed them on the floor.  Obviously today was the day I had to do some repairs.

The photo below shows a "before shot."  This was the best I could do closing the dinette drawers before the fix. The problem with these drawers is that they are long and can't be taken all the way out, the couch is in the way.  So I took the cushions and backs off the bench seats, then removed the plywood that holds the cushions to get to the inside of the drawer space.

There was a lot of wiggling around to get the right positions to do the fixes, some tracks were off and I had to bang on the sides with a hammer to force them back into the tracks, and also the mountain brackets that hold the drawer tracks were broken, so I did some work-arounds to make the tracks stay in place.  Surprisingly, it was easier than I thought it would be and they both work great now.  I'm thinking a good wooden brace going from side to side under the tracks would be a good idea to hold things in place.

The next photo shows the mounting brackets that the tracks fit into.  I think the weight of the filled drawers is too heavy and some of these were broken and/or the screws were out and the bracket wasn't connected to the wood, so they needed to be fixed and screwed back in with longer screws.

This is what it looked like after the fix - the drawer closes completely flush and it runs smoothly on the tracks:

The photo below shows the two drawers in the kitchen - one under the fridge and one under the stove.  They were both fixed, as well as the dinette seat drawer on the kitchen side of the table:

Below is the pot drawer - I had to nail the bottom back on - it was stapled on before - what a horrible way to put cabinetry together!  Especially in a kitchen - where one would put pots, pans, maybe even cans of food.  No wonder the bottom fell out.  Then I screwed the track back on with longer screws and it's all holding just fine now and sliding in and out as it should.  It's so nice to have all the drawers working again!

So...  if you have some drawers that aren't running smoothly, it's not really a hard fix to get them "back on track."  And if your rear mounting brackets are ruined, you can get new ones to install.

Elephant  Butte Lake was covered in white caps during our big windstorm - there were even little waves coming up onto the beaches.  Boy, the wind and gusts were really something!

I didn't see a single boat out on the water all day.

Katie and I stayed inside as much as we could, with just a few short potty walks when necessary.  It was time for a little comfort food, so I made on of my favorites, New York Pie (I just named it -I make it so often, it deserves a name). It's a dish I ordered when I was in New York City at a vegetarian restaurant.  One of my friend's sisters worked there and she recommended it.  I've posted it before, but here it is again: 

Cook some rice and put it on the bottom of a plate, add a layer of cooked broccoli and cauliflower pieces on top of the rice.   Pour some Marinara sauce over the top, cover with grated cheese (I always put a LOT of cheese) and microwave until the cheese is melted.  Then top off with sour cream.  OMG, I love this dish and it's so easy to make!  I always cover the plate with it, thinking I'll save half for a leftover meal, and I always finish the whole plate.  YUM!

Below is a photo of the western sky the afternoon of the big storm.  I thought there was a fire in the west and the sky was filled with smoke, but it turned out to just be dust.  That's how fierce the winds was.

There was a pretty moon rising amid some clouds in the eastern sky, which was mostly a pretty blue.  The western sky was dark and dust-cloudy and the eastern sky was pretty and blue.  Weird.

As the sun was setting, it glowed in the orange sky.

I took a bunch of photos of the sun as it was going down. I used a couple of different settings; don't these almost make your eyes feel like you're looking right at the real sun?

We know it's not safe to look directly at the sun, and the last time I took photos like this I did some research and learned it's not safe to look right at the sun even through the camera lens. 

And the sunset skyline with the dust clouds all around:

Here's The Palms in the glow of the orange sunset as the clouds were blowing east over the lake:

WELCOME to our newest Follower, Jan!  Jan is one of our followers who has no information and no photo, so I can't give you the scoop.  Katie and I appreciate you following along with us - Welcome Aboard, Jan!  :)

From me and Katie, have a great Tuesday, everyone!  :)

Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Wordless Wednesday - Dogs and Cats

Tiny hot dog:

Can he breathe???

Angry cat -  or pouting cat?:

This looks like Chica:

This kiss brought a smile (to me, too!):

From me and Katie, have a great Wordless Wednesday, everybody!  :)

Friday, May 9, 2014

Oh, poor thing, she at it!

There has been very little going on for a week or so - nice and quiet, great weather (lots of wind, and a little hot for a couple of days, but overall really nice).

I was watching some Bullock's Orioles playing and flying, landing, jumping around, etc.

Here's a male in the tree above:

One of the females landed on a post and seemed to be trying to pull something out of the top of the post.  I thought it might be an insect, but was too far away to see clearly.  

This morning when I pulled up the photos, I could see it was fishing line with something on the end.

As I pulled up and cropped each Oriole photo, I noticed this bird seemed to have fishing line around it in the photo below - you'll have to click on it twice to see the fishing line.  Did she eat the fishing line, thinking the thing on the end was an insect?  I think so.  I hope whatever it was will soon digest and she will be able to pull the line free.  Poor thing.

Don't you just hate it when these little creatures get caught up in man's garbage?  Come on, fishermen!  Dispose of your fishing line properly!  I always did when I fished, and I know most people do, but I've seen so much line along the lake sides.  Remember all the bird nests that were made of fishing line at Pancho Villa and Caballo Lake State Parks? 

Here are some photos taken here at Elephant Butte State Park in New Mexico.

Here's our site - nice, huh?   

Some beautiful flowers from our walk today:

And I finally got some shots of a Jack Rabbit.  He crosses the street every day in front of The Palms, then later goes back across the street, but I never get his picture because he's so fast.  Finally I got him.  Look at those long, long, legs!  And is he skinny?  Or is this the normal size for Jack Rabbits - it looks like you can see his ribs under his skin.  Poor thing.

Makes me feel like I should plant some lettuce out here for him.

WELCOME to Shelia Wedegis!  Shelia and her husband and three dogs are soon to be full-time RVers, at least they will be as soon as they are done downsizing and purchasing their rig.  Sheila is an artist, and her blog is going to be about their RV adventures and her painting.  Love her header, a cartoon of the three dogs, who she is putting into a comic strip about their travels.  I think Living the Artist's Dream is going to be a fun read.  Check it out.  Thanks for following along with me and Katie, Shelia!

From me and Katie, have a great Friday, everyone!  :)