Monday, March 16, 2015

Baking at Hot Springs, LTVA - (no, this isn't a "Foodie Post")

Katie and I are slowly making our way west to San Diego to visit the kids, celebrate Easter with family, and get my annual medical, dental and vision appointments taken care of. 

We are at Hot Springs LTVA a little east of Holtville, CA.  Wow, is it getting warm!  It's been 93 degrees in The Palms almost every day since we've been here.  If I get on it early and set the rig up before it gets too hot with window coverings, fans, etc. we do okay.  Right around 93 degrees I pull the cold neck wraps out of the fridge and those cool us off.  Right now it's 4:30 and 95.4 in here.  Surprisingly, though it feels warm, we're not tooo hot.

One day I had to turn on the A/C, I waited too long and we were HOT.  Once it gets to that point, nothing works except the Air Conditioning.

We are late this year heading to San Diego.  Previous years at this point we had already left San Diego and were in New Mexico by now.  So this heat is new for us, usually when we're here the weather is a bit cooler, but we haven't had any high winds, and that's nice.  Mornings are wonderful, afternoons are HOT and evenings are buggy.  But somehow, Katie and I are having a great time. 

Most of the RVs are gone - this spot is full of Canadians for the season, and when it 's time to head north, Hot Springs LTVA empties out.   There are just enough people here now to make it friendly, there are lots of good campsite available, and it's pretty quiet.  Things are winding down.

We got a very nice spot at the front of the campground, close enough to the trash that Katie and I have had just a short walk each day to dump the trash.  This is our first campsite - I loved it:

Then last week we went to El Centro for new tires and to have the truck smogged, and when we got back, a fifth wheel had driven through our site to get to the one between us and our neighbor in front of us.  He was very close - especially considering there was a whole, long empty space along the posts behind our site - enough to fit five other rigs.  Somehow it was important that he park right in front of us.  I had left our mat, two chairs and a table there to save our site.  I couldn't believe it when I returned late in the afternoon, steaming hot and super tired - and saw that rig there.

I parked The Palms down at the other end of the empty row and walked up and back three times to retrieve our stuff.  This new spot is actually more level and I like it better.  I think.  Jeez, what's with these unconscious people.  "It's alllllll about you, I know.  It's okay - I'll move."  Well, that's not exactly what I was thinking...  Ha!  I gave their rig the stink-eye a few times as I was moving my things, and haven't looked their way since.  That'll show em'!

So this is our new spot:

 Lots of room and privacy - nice!  Here are a couple of neighbors:

There are lots of those old poles and wires here - plenty of places for the birds to stand and check out what's going on.  Or just sit and rest.  

 You looking at ME?

Our first afternoon here Katie and I walked down to the Hot Springs to check it out again this year.  It was much prettier than last year, when all the reeds were laying on the top of the water.  They must have come in sometime during the year and cleaned out most of the dead reeds.

The other day one of my neighbors warned me about walking Katie down to the Hot Springs area.  There is a sign that no dogs were allowed, but I thought that meant inside the fence that's around the shower/hot springs area.  She said no, a woman was walking her dog down in that area outside the fence and a Ranger came up and gave her a $300 fine.  No warning, just fined her.  Needless to say, we won't be walking across the street again.  There is a double vault toilet building over there, and that's the cut-off point.  No dogs beyond the toilet building.  I'm sure glad we didn't get caught past that point.  :)

I am SO enjoying my clean, waxed motor home! It was so bad, and now when I see a piece of dirt or dust I grab something to clean it off.  THERE WILL BE NO BUGS ALLOWED!  I'm keeping up with the tires, too, using the 303 Aerospace spray that is so highly recommended by my friends.  

I had to e-mail Dr. Don at Foothills Animal Clinic in Yuma on Saturday.  Poor Katie - her ankle mass was so large and hard I was worried.  She didn't act like it was bothering her, but I wanted more info from Don on the prescription he mentioned.  He e-mailed me back and said he would send an Rx to any pharmacy near us if I needed it.  In the meantime, I'm going to keep using aspirin.  I think between our morning walks to the trash cans and our campground strolls in the evenings, and maybe the heat, it's been too much for her.  Luckily the ground here is flat and smooth enough for me to easily push Katie in the stroller, and that's what we're going to do.

This is what her ankle looked like the last time we walked.  Poor thing.  But she LOVES riding in the stroller, so that's what we're doing now.

I had a couple of hot, tense, stressful days in El Centro last week, Wednesday and Thursday.  Then I went back this morning.  I'm going to post about them next time, when I've completely calmed down.  And I'll post a recommendation, a non-recommendation and a warning.  I'm so glad it's done and OVER.

From me and Katie, melting away at Hot Springs LTVA, have a great Monday, everyone!  :)

Friday, March 6, 2015

Gettin' things done...Vet, Wash/Wax, Re-Cushion, Battery Check, Tire Check

Jeanne and I moved over to Sidewinder Road last week.  We decided we liked this area better, and it's closer to Yuma.  We're here for a few more days, then Jeanne is moving north and I'm going to head across the freeway to Pilot Knob for a week, then east to Hot Springs, and finally to San Diego.  Medical  appointments are scheduled, and I'll be able to spend some time with Tom and Trish and the grand-kids.  Then my daughter and son-in-law, Kristy and Matt, and their kids are coming to San Diego for Easter and we'll all be together for five days to visit and catch up.  I'm sure looking forward to that!  I have a project - a little mod in the kitchen - that Tom is going to help me with, and I'm really looking forward to that, too.  I'll tell you more about that later.

Here we are, right before the rain the other day.  The sky in the north got SO dark, it was really pretty:

While I've been here - near Yuma - I've gotten some things checked off my list:

1.  Katie's Vet Appointment

I wanted to get a second opinion about the Seroma on her right ankle, and she has a new lump on her left ankle.  What's with Katie and ankles?

I've heard good things about this vet hospital from Gayle and Jim, and Jimbo, so I called to see if they could get Katie in and check her out. Katie is such a trooper.  She was so scared - she just sat in my lap, quietly, looking scared the whole time while other dogs came in and pulled at their leashes, barked, etc.  In the exam room she didn't want to be on the table, but she minded me and behaved.  Such a good girl.

We saw Dr. Don, and I really liked him.  He seemed to know what he was doing, was super nice to Katie, complimenting her and talking to her as he checked her over.  He checked out the Seroma and the other cyst, and said the Seroma was obviously caused by a very painful, traumatic experience for Katie.  But at this point, he thinks the joint is leaking the fluid, and said it looks like she has arthritis in that ankle.  Her range of motion is so much greater in the left ankle.

Dr. Don said he could prescribe something for the arthritis, some sort of steroid, or I could give her baby aspirin as needed if that did the trick. Other than that, he said she was healthy and he wouldn't do anything else.  That was a relief!  So Katie is good to go and no issues with either ankle mass.  He thought my idea of getting a dog stroller was the best thing I could do for her, and for me if I wanted to still walk with her, and we should continue using it when we walk.  :)

2.  Wash and Wax The Palms

The Palms was SOOOO  overdue for a total wash and wax, I had to get this done while I was near Yuma.  Katie and I went into Yuma to meet the guys from Benjamin's (see info below). 

The two young men who came out to do the job were so sweet, very polite, and did a fantastic job.  I really didn't expect The Palms to look so clean and pretty when they were done.  The price for a rig my size was $99, but he gave me a senior citizen discount, and my final cost was $90.  I gave each of the guys a $10 tip, so all in all, $110.  Cheap at the price!

They spoke Spanish (and perfect English), and while they were working right outside my window I could hear them talking away in Spanish, telling stories, laughing, really enjoying themselves.  It's so nice to hire people who seem to like their work, and have fun while doing it.

Check out that ladder!  When I came outside to see how they were doing, they asked me if I'd mind moving the rig a few feet to the right.  Geez, of course!  I let them know I was VERY pleased with the work they did. I'll definitely use them again.

3.  Check House Batteries

I went to Interstate Battery Systems in Yuma to see if they would check my house batteries. I wanted to see if I needed new ones yet, or if these were still functioning they way they should.  The guy checked them out and said they were just fine.  All the cells were good, and I don't need to replace them.  That was good news.

4.  Check Tire Pressure

I went to Big O Tires on Frontage Road in Yuma and had them check the pressure in my tires.  When I had the tire monitoring system installed, everything was good.  Then I got two new tires and the front tires were put on the right rear. That screwed up the TPMS, and I needed to have each tire filled 3 psi over the recommended amount.  The way to re-set the TPMS for the tires is to let out 3 psi from each tire, then re-set each monitor.  I figured I could release 3 psi, re-set each monitor, and then drive into town and have the tires pumped up, or I could have them filled, and add an additional 3 psi.  Then when I release the 3 psi, I can re-set the monitor and be done.  I haven't released the air yet, maybe tomorrow if this super windy spell stops.  But I'm almost done with that chore. 

5.  Re-Cushion the Dinette Seats

I sit at my dinette all the time, and after 4+ years, the centers of the cushions are sagging - in spite of the fact that I'm as light as a feather.  Ha!  Periodically I flip the cushions, then switch them out but honestly, the cushions were shot.  So, first Gayle and Jim mentioned the place they've used, and I also called Al's RV Service and Supply on Fortuna Rd in Yuma and they recommended the same place.

While I was in town getting The Palms prettied up and Katie checked out, I stopped by Action Awnings to see what it would cost me to have the seats re-cushioned.  I figured if it was under $200, I'd do it.  I brought in one of the cushions and Robert got a 5" piece of foam, put it next to the cushion and said to try them both out.  The new foam was so much firmer than the existing cushion, and he quoted me $189 for two cushions.  What I thought was nice was when I asked him what it would cost for one cushion, he quoted exactly half. I figured it would cost half plus a percentage.

Anyway, the price was right, so I ordered two foam cushions.  Jeanne and I went into town Thursday for shopping and laundry, and dropped off the second cushion, and a couple of hours later, picked them up.  They look perfect, and are so much better than the original foam.  They seem to be a better quality, a denser foam, so hopefully they will last and last.

When I was walking to the rig after completing all the chores on Tuesday, I looked down and saw a shiny quarter.  It was a good day.  Everything we did and everywhere we went, we had good news.  It was a busy, but very good day.

When Jeanne and I were heading toward the freeway on our way home on Thursday, we were behind a motorcyclist with his dog in a cart - so cute.  We thought the dog should have doggles, though.  What a set-up, huh?

Notice the hitch-hiker on the side of the road?  He had on a weird red wig, and the dog checked him out when they passed.

Here's the final photo for today.   Instead of a sunset, this is a sunrise the other morning.  I've posted a few sunrises, and honestly, I think they look just like sunsets.

From me and Katie, have a great weekend, everyone!  :)

Sunday, March 1, 2015

Photos from American Girl Mine and Sidewinder Road

Jeanne and I left Mittry Lake last week and drove over to an area off I-8 that I've been wanting to visit.  There are free boon docking areas along the 8.  The first, heading west, is off Sidewinder Road, and then further down is Ogilby Road to either Sidewinder Road  or American Girl Mine Road.

First we tried American Girl Mine Road.  Jeanne has camped there before and we went down the road a ways to a place she had been before.  After spending one night there, we decided to head back to the Sidewinder Road area so I could see what that was like.  We both agreed we liked this area better.  Plus it's closer to Yuma and we had things to do in Yuma over the next couple of weeks.

I've taken it pretty easy, but have gotten in a few short walks and done many inside chores as well as a couple trips to town. 

Below are some photos I've taken of this area.   It's just regular desert, like most of the places in this southern part of the State of Arizona, with beautiful mountains in the distance (actually not so distant in this area) and gorgeous sunsets.  We've had some windy days, some beautiful days, some cloudy days.  Today we're expecting rain around 5 pm, and according to my app forecasts, it should last all  night.  That'll be a good drink of water for this desert area.

The first photos are the views out my windows near American Girl Mine Road:

In town for Yuma's Tuesday Farmer's Market last week - I love this little cactus garden outside a law office on the main street.

We walked down one of the side streets to check out the little businesses.  This one has two doors, Enter and Exit.  The various businesses were painted different colors, and it was a nice little diversion from the farmer's market vendors.  We actually headed down that street because someone had told Jeanne about a candy shop there.  I think we forgot about it, though, after window shopping on the way.  The candy shop was at the end of the street and we didn't go that far - probably a good thing.

Here's the Bold Crew - Jeanne's Lazy Daze pulling her toad.  I followed along on the way to Ogilby Road.

Here we are in our little camp off American Girl Mine Road:

Then at Sidewinder - Jeanne took this photo of The Palms and the mountains in the distance.  Notice The Palms has her socks on.  After having to buy two new tires, she will wear her socks from now on when we're camped in sunny weather.  :)   (I put only two covers on the side that has the afternoon sun beating down on it.)

Here's Jeanne's motor home in the sunset - the pink reflection was so bright, but I wasn't facing the right way to get a good photo of The Palms in the sunset.  Just a little off.  But I thought this was really pretty and caught Riley in the photo, too:

The next four photos are sunsets on four different evenings - they were all just beautiful:

We've been throwing the ball for the dogs a little - they get tired of playing long before we do.  Katie has bright yellow tennis balls, but here she is stealing Riley's red/blue ball.

That's about it for now, there's not a lot going on.  Tuesday I'm taking The Palms to Yuma to be washed and waxed, and then over to the Vet's for Katie.  I want her Seroma re-checked and I've found a little growth on her other ankle.  Hopefully she is fine, but...  better safe than sorry.  While we're in town we have a ton of other stops to make, so that will be a long, busy day.

From me and Katie, warm and snuggley in The Palms waiting for the rain, have a great Sunday, everyone!  :)

Saturday, February 21, 2015

Guess who I got to meet?

Nina, of "Nina and Paul," and Wheeling It!   Unfortunately Paul wasn't able to make it - he stayed home to watch Polly, who was having a problem with one of her legs.  We were all sorry we missed you, Paul - but very happy that Nina still came by to visit us.  What a cutie pie!   After reading Wheeling It! for so long and passing them like ships in the night, we were finally in the same place at the same time, and got to chat a bit.

Jeanne, Denise and Nina:

Gayle, Jeanne, kB, Chris, Jimbo and Kim:

Katie got her own little visit with Nina:

Suzanne, Jim and Gayle:

Kim is such a dog lover, and Katie LOVES Kim!

Nina, Jeanne, Joe, kB, Denise, Tara, Debbie:

Suzanne, Jim and Nina:

Remember the photo I posted a bit ago with the bare tree against the mountains at sunset - with a hawk in it?  Well, here are a couple of photos of the hawk earlier in the evening.  Isn't he a beauty?

American Coot in Mittry Lake:

A couple of Grackles on the big rock outside The Palms:

Hummingbird at the feeder:

Katie has always liked Denise's Bennie, but she really LOVES Tara and Joe's Milo.  Whenever he was outside, Katie would get so agitated I thought she was going to go potty in the house.  I'd quickly let her out, and over she would run to visit Milo and Bennie.  She sure liked all the dog socializing here at Mittry Lake:

And a final "see you later" to Nina.  Thanks for dropping in for a visit, I so enjoyed meeting you and hope that next season we'll have a bit more time to chat.  Safe travels to you and Paul on your way to the big city!

From me and Katie, have a great weekend, everyone!  :)

Monday, February 16, 2015

Fresh Artichokes: Two-for-a-Dollar

Yuma, AZ Tuesday Marketplace.  I've never seen artichokes at a Farmer's Market - artichokes are my favorite food.  They run from $2.50 to $3.00 each in the grocery stores.  Except Costco or Sam's, where the prices are better.  I couldn't believe they had two large boxes of artichokes at the Farmer's Market, and they were 2 for $1.  I've NEVER seen them that cheap.  I got four of them, and so far have only boiled one.  It was GOOD!  The second one will be cooked up today.  :)

Bunches of fresh asparagus with the tough ends cut off were only $2 a bunch.  Great deal and really fresh looking, so I got a bunch of these, too.  

I also got some nice broccoli, which I cooked up to make my New York Pie for dinner.

Other tables had citrus:

Colorful peppers:

Jewelry, other foods and many different items.  This booth had some cool clothing wraps.  The seller demonstrated the many ways this top can be worn, it was kind of amazing.  But not RVing attire.  Very cool, though.

Here's the street - lots of booths, but not too many.  It made for an easy walk to the end, seeing everything.

Below is one of the food booths, looks like Kim is enjoying a taco - she said it was really good. 

Next, on the way to Best Buy, we saw an In-N-Out Burger.  Jeanne saw it first, and proceeded to entertain Kim and me with a hysterical fit of not "using her words."  We couldn't figure out what was wrong, when she finally blurted out real words: "In-N-Out Burger!"  Jeanne has heard about their burgers and fries but never tried them and was very excited to see their sign.  Of course, we stopped for lunch.  I'm not a fries person, but I love chocolate shakes, so I treated myself to a burger and shake.  Yum. They both had burgers and fries.  All delicious, and we proceeded to our next stop...

...Best Buy!  I've debated on and off for a long time about branching out of the Android world into Apple land - and I finally bought a new iPad Air.  And screen protector.  And smart cover.  $$$$$  For once I spent some money on something fun.  For me, not for The Palms.    :)))))

We also stopped at Wal-Mart and brought the dogs in - they were in our carts on blankets Jeanne keeps in the car for Riley.  Katie and Riley REALLY enjoyed going down the aisles, looking at all the stuff, smelling all the odors, being greeted by other shoppers.  Even the staff was very friendly to them.  I guess in Yuma it's so hot outside, lots of days people can't leave the dogs in the car, so they must be used to people bringing them inside where it's cooler.  They can't do much damage while in a shopping cart, so I guess were were okay.  And the dogs just loved it!

From me and Katie, have a great Monday, everyone!  :)