Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Our first coyote sighting and 2-ingredient pancakes

On Saturday Katie was looking out the front window and started barking, and wouldn't stop.  I looked out, and there was a coyote walking toward the next wash, across, and kept going behind the bushes.  Unfortunately, yesterday I washed and waxed the truck and front panels of The Palms, but didn't do the windows yet.  The front was SO filthy, dust, road bugs, etc.  Not it's all shiny and clean, but the windows are still dirty.  Still, I was able to get a couple of photos that were 1. the coyote is behind a bush, and 2.  the coyote is blurry.  I still had to post them.  I do love my coyote sightings!

Below is one of the beautiful, huge saguaros near our site.  It has a thick trunk and lots of arms, so it must be quite old. 

And now a question for you: have any of you made 2-ingredient banana pancakes?  I tried the recipe I found on-line to see if it would really make pancakes.  I had a lot of bananas that were ripening too fast and needed some new ways to use them up.   All the recipes I found had basically the same two ingredients:  one banana and two eggs, and a little baking powder that makes them better.  Unfortunately I didn't have any baking powder, so I added a little pancake flour.  This is how mine turned out:

I had a problem keeping them corralled in their little round spots, and it was hard to turn them over.  The first bottom side on each batch was too brown, just short of being burned.  They didn't stay round and when I took them out to plate them, they were pretty floppy.  But, amazingly, they did taste like pancakes.  I guess I'll have to get some baking powder, because I always have eggs, and often have bananas that are too ripe to eat for me.  I like berry syrup better than maple, so I might pick up some of that, too.  Any suggestions from anyone who has tried this recipe?  :)

Our sunrise this morning, before the sun was covered in the cloudy sky - yes - I WAS up this early today.  :)

Here's my Christmas tree, for the third year.  Last year I bought a little green tree, decorated it with balls and flowers and lights.  It was pretty, but I never liked it as much as this tin, hanging tree.  So, I took all the decorations off to save just in case I can use them again put them in a baggy to stow away, and put the tree by the dumpster.  I hope someone finds it who will like it as much as I like my tin tree:

From me and Katie, have a great Tuesday, everyone!  :)