Saturday, November 27, 2010

Santa's message to Katie

WELCOME to our new Follower, Taz -  Only a Moment in the Grand Scheme of Things.  Thank you for following along with me and Katie on our journey to future RV full-timing.

My daughter sent me e-mails with messages from Santa to her kids, and I thought they were so cute, I did one for Katie.  Honest, I'm really a normal person with a dog who is a pet.  I really don't think she's a real person,  I just think these things are cute.

This is free, and you can go on the website and make them up for your kids or grandkids.  Or husband or wife.  I'm going to e-mail Katie's to my grandkids.  I doubt they will question that Santa will bring Kristy a present from the North Pole.

 Santa checking his book for Katie's file

My grandson Andrew was doing well, just needed to try a little harder to keep his room clean and help around the house - he's five.  Lauren, on the other hand, little darling Lauren who is three, Santa put her on the "Naughty List" for now, and told her she needed to keep her voice quieter in the house.  Poor thing.  Oh well, maybe she will try harder for Santa.

 Katie's file in Santa's Book

So here it is:

Santa's Message to Katie

Click on the link above; be patient, it takes a minute to load.

Have a happy weekend, everyone, from Me and Katie! : )

Thursday, November 25, 2010



I am very thankful for all my loyal Followers and also the other folks who read my blog.  I am thankful for the wonderful comments I receive.  And I'm thankful for two new followers:

WELCOME to Karen, our new follower!  It's nice to have you along for our journey.  I don't see a blog listed for you, let me know if you start one.

And WELCOME to Tom at Big Sky Chief, a man who cooks!  It's nice to have you along to share our daily adventures as we prepare to RV full-time.

I'm thankful for this RV blogging community.  I'm thankful for having my dream to RV full-time with my dog, Katie.  When I am able to follow through with this dream, it will open so many doors to  me and also solve a lot of problems I would otherwise have when I retire.  It will be, I hope, the perfect solution to retirement for me.  I can't wait! : )

The first Thanksgiving was in 1621 and lasted three days!  That sounds like a long holiday, but these days most of us get four days off, so...  Lucky Us!

I'm thankful for so many things.  I'm not going to list the things I'm thankful for - it would be too long.  Every year it grows.  All year long I appreciate my family - I have two wonderful kids who've given me five perfect grandchildren and they would top the list, and of course Katie.

I'm sitting here typing as I watch the Macy's Parade - there's a really good float of a huge turkey going down the road right now.  I'm thankful even for little things like that.  I'm in my warm home, Katie is laying out in the sun on the patio, four days off ahead of me. A fridge full of food, cupboards full enough to find almost anything I'd need for any recipe I'd care to make.  A car full of gas - I can drive anywhere I want.  Great neighbors around me.  These are the kinds of things I'm lucky enough to have all year long, and I DO appreciate them all year long.

 Isn't he beautiful?

My son and his family drove up to visit my daughter and her family in Vacaville, and I know they are all going to have soooo much fun.  The grandchildren all love to be together, so it's a treat for them when the families visit.  I'll see them all together during Christmas week down here in San Diego, and I'm looking forward to that.

Have a Wonderful Thanksgiving everyone, from Me and My Dog, Katie! : )

Monday, November 22, 2010

Lots of new Followers, and a First Place Winner!

Well, I have an embarrassment of riches today - four new Followers - WOW!  WELCOME to you all, and thank you for joining Me and Katie as we get ready to pursue our (my) dream of full-timing.  Well, actually, if she could talk, I think Katie would say this is her dream, too.  You've seen her in the car seat - she's always ready to go!  Just yell, "Road Trip!"   : )

Dee and Jim, Tumbleweed - I've been following your blog, too, and always enjoy your posts.  Nice article about you guys in the Garner newspaper - congratulations!

Terria Fleming from Daily Good, I LOVED the story about The Whale!  Definitely nice to read about Good Things.

Laura from Pursuit of Idle Pleasures - great blog and great house and great RV.  You've got it all covered! And you're retiring next month.  Soooo covered!

Kate and Terry - Travels in Cholula Red - I've been a Follower of your blog also and love your photos. Sunday's hummingbird shot with the feeder is fantastic. How'd you do that?

My eldest granddaughter, Kennedy, who is 7 years old, is a member of a competition cheer squad.  They practice twice a week, during the week they practice cheer, and on Sunday they have a gymnastics class.

 Kennedy's flip in September at practice

On Sunday Kennedy attended her first competition.  I called her when they were on the way home from Los Angeles (I think, somewhere up there) and she said she was kind of nervous before competing, she didn't know what to expect.  And guess what?

They won First Place for their division!  

That big trophy will be displayed at the facility where she practices, and on Tuesday evening they are having a ceremony where all the team members will be awarded ribbons.   I'm very proud of her and all the hard work she put into earning that trophy with her team!

Is Katie's Daily Puppy Pic the cutest thing, or what?

Short week for us at work.  Today, tomorrow, Wednesday, and that's it.  Nice! I'm also taking Monday off in lieu of my paid holiday Friday, which is a regular day off for me.  My boss isn't happy about me taking an extra day off, but the rest of the company gets Thursday and Friday off, paid, so we had a little discussion about it this afternoon, and he agreed to give me an extra paid day off.   From the research I've done on-line, that seems to be what most companies do, so...  He thinks I'm taking advantage - what do you think?  Any opinions?  Am I wrong?  I'd appreciate any input, and am willing to be flexible.

That's all for today - From Me and My Dog, Katie, have a wonderful Monday evening, everyone! : )

Saturday, November 20, 2010

A quiet, rainy Saturday for us, a bit of this and that

WELCOME to our new Follower TEX0322!  He has two new blogs, one shows his NetFlix Picks and the other is a blog about ways to make money online.   Since AdSense has banned my blog, your info might come in handy!  Katie and I are happy to have you along for the ride on our journey to full-timing!  Feel free to comment any time, and I hope we keep you interested and/or entertained.

Again I want to thank my readers for all the great comments.  Some are very supportive, some educational, some from "stealth" readers, and some are really funny and make me laugh.  All very supportive and I appreciate every comment.

I was "stealth" reading lots of forums and blogs when I first decided to RV full-time, and FOUND you all.  I found the forums through a Google search on RV questions I had.  Someone's blog was referenced, I clicked on the link, and WOW, a whole new world opened up for me.  Meeting new people  in the blogosphere, learning soooo much... I know things now that I didn't even think to ask earlier this year.  Another year of following along with all the full-timers, part-timers and planners will help me in each of those stages as I go through them.

This is a weird day.

I accidentally "followed" my own blog.  Then I had to figure out how to delete myself.  I was at least glad that my photo didn't pop up in the first spot.  It was way down on the second page, so I was hoping no one saw it before I figured out how to un-follow myself.

It's raining outside, so Katie and I are snuggling on the couch.

These are "rain shots," but I don't know if you can actually see the rain unless you click on them.

I made "rag quilts" for all my grandkids, my daughter and one for me (not really made out of rags, just what they are called.) Katie loves it, and when we sit on the couch, I lay it out next to me, or partially covering me, and Katie noses herself under the quilt and snuggles in and dozes. Today she is snoring.  I've never heard her snore before.  Little tiny snores. At first I thought the noise was coming from outside on the patio.

This is one of the rag quilts I made for me during my quilting days.  I made six total. Click and you can see the street detail better.  I LOVE this fabric:

This is a perfect size for a lap quilt, and fits perfectly on top of my queen size bed if I need it for a really cold night.  I usually keep it on the couch in the living room, though.  See?  As soon as I laid it on the floor, Katie was right there.  She LOVES these things.  When I was laying the squares out on the floor to see how they looked, I couldn't keep Katie off them.  I was planning to sew one up for her, but haven't yet. I still have all the material, though.  Yards, and yards and yards.  My stash.  Quilters will understand.

When I saw this fabric, I knew I'd found the material for MY quilt.  I love any material or art that has town streets, houses, windows, doors, anything to do with houses, I guess.

Another scene - looks like a cool, big city street with apartments and store fronts.

This is another fabric with lots of tall buildings, in contrasting browns/whites.

This is the back - squares of warm flannel.  There is batting inside, too, so this is a pretty snugly quilt.  It's definitely coming with us in the RV. 

Then, I  knew I was getting dog hair under my keys on my laptop, so I pried a couple up and shot them with liquid air.  I must not have gotten the space key back right, because I'm running all my words together.  I'll have to fix that!  What a pain.  (I think I fixed it - seems to be working fine now.  There's a little wire thing attached to the space key that has to fit into little tiny holes on each side.  I didn't put them in the holes the first time.  MUCH better now.)

I guess our bike riding won't happen today.  I thought we were going to have intermittent showers, but it's pretty wet out there and windy.  I think we'll stay snuggled inside today.

So, that's about it for today. Isn't it amazing how I can post an extremely long post when absolutely nothing is going on.  Sorry about that, but you should know by now... One of my newest followers, Andy, posted this: "The worst feeling in the world is when you are in the middle of a good story and realize no one is listening to you."  But it's okay, you don't have to keep reading even though I'm still writing and writing and writing.  LOL

From Me and my Quietly Snoring Dog, have a great Saturday, everyone!  : )

Friday, November 19, 2010

Our very normal Friday

WELCOME to our new Follower, Andy - his new blog is here.  I read back to the beginning, and Andy, you really have your work cut out for you!!!  It will be fun following along with you and your progress in your RV remodel.  Good Luck!  It's nice to have you following along with us, too, although my goal is going to be quite a bit easier than yours.  : )

Pretty easy week with nothing much going on.  I finally got the certified copies of my marriage certificate and divorce decree this week, and brought them to the Social Security office this morning for them to examine and copy for my file.  It's all done, and now I just have to wait till the middle of February for my first check to be deposited.  Yeah!

We needed dog food so while I was out, we stopped in at Petco to get Katie her special food, the only thing she can consistently eat without it affecting her (apparently) delicate digestive system.  We had some problems, and a co-worker who has a Chihuahua said they solved their dog's potty/vomiting issues with this food, so I tried it, and Katie has been fine since.   And she likes the food. They have different food for different dog breeds.  This is Katie's:

While there, I got her a new jacket to wear on our walks and bike rides.  Sooo cute, and it fit her perfectly. I think I used the wrong setting or flash (?) - these are kind of a weird color, but you get the idea.  I wanted to get the photos done and let Katie lay back down.  She's getting so good at being a model.  She just sat there for me until I was done.  Such a good girl.

 I'm so pretty, oh so pretty...

 Back view - see the ruffles?  Very feminine for a little girl dog.

 This shows the warm interior fleece.  Nice on cold morning walks.

The zipper makes it really easy to get on and off, and Katie seems to like it.

When we got home it was around 2:00 and I hadn't eaten.  I was going to boil up some pasta and open a can of marinara sauce.  I've been so good about not overbuying food and I didn't realize I was completely out of spaghetti sauce. I didn't want to go back out again,  but I was craving spaghetti.  I found a can of chopped tomatoes, a can of tomato paste, a can of cut mushrooms, and I did a search on line for "easy spaghetti sauce" and got the BEST recipe!  It was truly easy, fast and REALLY good.  Probably the best I've ever made - and I used to simmer my sauce all day. It was thick and sweet, just the way I like it.  Made some garlic bread and I was set to sit down and eat and relax.

Tomorrow if we can fit it in between the rain that's expected, we're going to go for a bike ride.  Katie has her nice, new warm jacket to wear. 

Till next time, from Me and My Dog, have a great Friday evening, everyone! : )