Monday, May 20, 2013

Onward and upward

Upward to the north, that is. 

Katie and I are both getting very tired of the heat and wind at Elephant Butte.  Honestly, I was really looking forward to being here, I've heard so much about this area.  I thought it would be the high point of our State Park travels going from New Mexico's southern parks to the northern parks.  But try as I might, and I can be pretty darn optimistic, I haven't really found it to be that great. I thought about moving to another campground area, or down on the beach right next to the water, but the heat and wind will be anywhere we move. 

The mornings have been really nice, then all too soon it's too hot to even take a decent walk, then in the afternoon the winds come up and blow us down the street.  My eyes have been so dry.  Katie doesn't even want to go potty outside.  Yesterday I thought she was sick, but I think she's just tired of the heat, too, and nervous with all the wind.  Maybe if the weather was more cooperative it would be better, but after trying for eight days, I give up.

Tomorrow morning we're heading out.

I've been reduced to taking photos of dead snakes in the road - there isn't much around here to snap photos of.   Do you think this might be why:

I guess it could be that I'm not looking in the right direction. :)   Someone sent me the above photo in an e-mail, and I've been saving it for a place that doesn't have much to offer up photo-wise.  I thought it was so funny. 

Anyway, obviously I'm not finding much to take pictures of at this park.  Following are the few photos I've taken since my last post.  A couple from Canada was traveling with this Tadpole.  I asked if I could get a photo, and they were more than happy to oblige:

He said there is a queen size bed inside.  Reminded me of the homemade trailer the man at Riverside Campground made.

And... the aforementioned snake in the road.   He was dead, but with his mouth open, at first I thought he was alive.

And that's it.  There just isn't anything else to blog about or take pictures of. 

We're heading toward Sumner Lake and then Santa Rosa Lake.  If we like them, we'll stay 14 days at each park, if not, we'll keep heading north. 

Tomorrow - onward and upward.  From me and Katie, good night, everyone.  :)