Showing posts with label poll. Show all posts
Showing posts with label poll. Show all posts

Sunday, October 10, 2010

The First Poll - totals and some insight

Happy 10/10/10!

WELCOME to stitchnship, and thank you for signing up to follow along with Me and My Dog, Katie.  I checked out your blog, and really enjoyed it.  I agree about the bunnies.  We have lots here where I live.

Taaa Daaa!  Here's the graphic of the first poll response:

Thank you!!! to everyone who participated.

It looks like everyone who responded participates in polls.  I didn't expect that, although as Judy said in her comment the day I posted the poll:  “I’m not sure you’ll get any “Heck No” votes, since that would mean the person answered a poll.”  I had to laugh when I read that!  But since there weren't any "No, I couldn't care less" votes either, ...  You know  -- that was a really bad poll, now that I think about it.  It just occurred to me as I'm writing this:  If you couldn't care less, you wouldn't answer either.  How funny!  

When I lived in Placerville, I worked for the Department of Human Services and was able to work 4-10s.  Four days at 10 hours a day.  I thought that would be great, but actually it gave me three days off, like now, with not a lot to do.  No problem this time around! : )  My friends worked, so the extra Friday, after a while, got kind of boring.  Some of my fellow workers got part time jobs at a local political polling company and encouraged me to apply.   They liked hiring Eligibility Workers because we were good at asking questions and were dependable, they said.  I worked there for a number of months until I moved back to San Diego.  It was very interesting and I really liked the work.  I worked one day on the weekend and three nights a week, right after my other job. (We had to work a minimum of 20 hours.)

What I learned was that if you aren't getting the answers you want, you tweak the questions until you do.  It was like a boiler room that they have for telemarketers, and we'd each get our script and our lists of names/phone numbers.  At the end of the shift, the manager/owner would tally the answers we logged and report them to her client.  (We never knew who the client was.)  Sometimes we'd get a different script the next time around, same questions, but asked a little differently.  

Just like my poll above.  If I wanted the answer to be that everyone who reads my blog participates in polls, the way I posed the five answers would be perfect.  Interesting.

That's why "they" say not to believe all the statistics that are thrown around.  The people doing the polling have bought and paid for the correct answer.  Maybe not everyone, and maybe not all the time, but it can be done, so I guess we have to assume it IS being done.

But, anyway, I still like polls and I love answering them.

I'm still going to include them from time to time.  But I have to admit, I hang up on people who call me on the phone wanting my answers for a political poll.  I know what they are doing and I don't want my views skewed to fit their needs.

When I started writing this post, I was going to say I have to assume RVers are a pretty social group if everyone answers polls.  Being involved, wanting their voice heard.  But we already knew that without the poll.  All the RVers I've met are nice, social people.  Then again, it's easy to be nice and social when you can smile, nod, turn on the ignition and drive away. LOL

I attended the RV show at the Del Mar Fairgrounds Saturday.  I came to another conclusion while at the show, and will write about it tomorrow.

From me and Katie, have a fantastic Sunday, everyone!  : )

Friday, October 8, 2010

Poll is over soon, fake names, and Sunshine Katie

Two more days until the Poll about taking polls ends.  Looks like everyone answer polls, but mostly it depends on the poll.  If you haven't responded to my first poll which was originally posted on September 26, vote now.  I'll post the totals on Sunday.

One thing I learned is that keeping the poll open for two weeks is too long.  The reason I did that is because we all have new readers joining us, and I wanted to give new people a chance to read older posts, see the poll, and answer if they chose to.  But I think that's way too long, and from now on I'll close the poll in one week or less.  Most of us keep up pretty well, I think, with our blog reading, and three or four days is probably long enough.  Otherwise, who even remembers the poll, or cares after two weeks?  Even I forgot about it, and it's my poll!

Merikay commented about my FREE gift at the RV show.  Thanks for reminding me about my Fake Name!  When my friends and I go to a fair or trade show, we try to remember to bring a sheet of mailing labels with our name and address and phone number.  Then we can just stick them on the forms they want us to fill out to get something free.  We had the REAL ones, and the FAKE ones.  I had forgotten all about that - today I'll print up a sheet of labels, one-half will be the real me, the other half will be Elizabeth Anderson, my "other" name.  I always use Elizabeth Anderson if I don't want someone to have my real name.  I love that name. It looks good, sounds good, has lots of potential nicknames, and is at the front of the list alphabetically.  My favorite name.

Katie just came in from the patio for a snuggle.  She is SO warm!  She loves laying out on the patio in the sunshine.  Her favorite place is on the carpet in front of the patio slider.  Softer and warm.  But once the sun moves over the house and the sun leaves the carpet, she's out on the patio.

 Sunshine Lover, Katie

Have you noticed Katie's Daily Puppy Pic?  What a cute puppy today!  I check out these pictures every day, but some of the puppies are just okay, and some I love.  This is a really cute one.

Hope you are all feeding the fish.  Don't forget the turtles at the bottom of the page.  : )

From Me and My Dog, have a nice evening, everyone!

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Do you like taking polls?

I've noticed there are a couple of bloggers putting polls in their posts.

I LOVE taking polls!  Unless it's something I want to keep to myself, I always answer them.  I thought I'd add the poll below to this post to see if you like polls.  If so, I'll add some to my blog from time to time.  I'll always have it set to show the results to the voters.  You can't vote more than once, but your answer will be anomymous, only your vote will be recorded.

If the result is negative, I won't add polls to my blogs (often) - but remember, I LOVE polls. So I hope you do, too.  : )


(Apparently after a period of time the link to the poll times out and isn't accessible in the blog. When I came back and looked, the poll is gone.  Check October 10, 2010 for a photo of the results.)

There you have it.  Voting will be open for two weeks, or until October 10 at 6:00 p.m.

Let me know if you have any good ideas for future polls. ; )

By the way, my chicken soup is delicious!  I'm saving some to bring to work for lunch in my "soup thermos." 

From Me and My Dog, have a great Sunday!  : )